I highly doubt it. We have never made 220-240v units to be used and sold here in the states.
Is it just me, or does the picture of the new BHK Behemoths on the “Home Page” of the PS Audio website not look like a botched “Photoshop” job?
The only way I could see using 240 volts would be if you had an amp that was high wattage driving something like the apogee scintilla.
Does an amp version on 220-240V, connected to that power system have any noticeable advantages to the respective US version connected in the US? This would mean everything sounds worse there than elsewhere.
@scotte1 Haha, it does look slightly off to me. The lighting/shading looks interesting. Pretty soon A.I. will be able to make the image look VERY realistic without even needing a photo of the amps.
@jazznut I’ve heard people try and make claims that 240V will always sound better than 120V. I don’t hear it in both senses. From the person nor the system.
…and I think the proportions are off.
I know the new amps are big but they just don’t look quite right.
If I am correct, I suggest PSA take the time to take some actual, quality photographs for this purpose.
Nitpickingly yours,
Maybe they need some shrubberies. Not too tall.
They are already made with 230 volt for our overseas market. Not sure what benefit that would bring to have that voltage here in the States.
We may currently have world-class embarrassing politicians, but of course here in the UK (where mains is a proper 240 - 250 volts) everything sounds better
I was fortunate to have a listen to @straightwire system yesterday. All PS Audio, and now with the BHK 600 amps feeding the Aspen FR30’s. It sounded wonderful! The music was so relaxed and effortlessly produced. Quite a wonderful system! Thank you Greg!!!
How are the BHKs being powered [regenerator(s) from the wall, etc.], if you don’t mind my asking?
New TAS blurb (PSA Press Release):
Everything is plugged into a P20 which now utilizes an AQ Dragon power cable. Top shelf all the way.
Thanks for the response. I presume just one P20 handles the new Monos just fine.
It handled them with a 15 amp cable driving the P20. It handles them with tons of extra headroom with the 20 amp cable.
Thanks for stepping in on the power questions on the
“all PSA System”. For those who are curious, Al is spot on. A P20 with a 20a AQ Dragon shows a 51% current draw at full tilt. That is with a PST, DACSR, BHKpre, and BHK 600’s plugged into it.
Got the new BHK 600’s Friday. Got them installed today. Here’s what they look like in a setup. Sound good, but also need to break them in before I know too much on the sound quality. Going from the BHK 300’s, so a very similar sound signature.
Your FR30’s look weird.
aangen, I’m pretty happy with the Revel’s. Next planned upgrade was the BHK pre so I can bypass the Marantz for 2 channel listening.
Very nice! Have you ever tried moving your equipment racks back a few feet? I wonder if that would effect the sound?