New BHK 600?

I checked, briefly, before posting
And still figured it had already been done

I was on the edge of my seat watching this video when I think I finally got to the chase scene when the
reviewer said it “sounds real good” and in a class with others costing “two and three times as much”.
High praise, but so much story, so little evaluation. I guess I’m jaded because I own them, love them, and know the story.


I hope the read is easier than watching his video.


Yes … umm … err … it’s an amplifer … what? … maybe … the box has casters … dum de dum … hummm … I listen at 1 watt most of the time, but 600 watts is zzzz … ah-hum … hummmm … misfit … sorry, mosfet … transchent … err … yeah … did he mean transient? … zzzzzzzz

Just about the most stultifying 30 minutes of useless nonsense I’ve ever heard. On YouTube the video was followed by an advert about how to get rid of foot fungus, which was more interesting.


His reviews have all the appeal being chronically dope sick in a fiberglass wool bed. I think it’s like if I held a euphonium recital on YT…oh the comments would be rightfully delivered.


My reaction to all YouTube videos.


Listening that Absolute Sound reviewer on YT is like kneeling on marble at a double header Catholic High Mass in Latin while watching Virgin River…


and having just finished 5 large beers . . .


Just a slight over-exaggeration. I over-exaggerate most of the time :wink:

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I understand. Sometimes I lay awake at night worrying that I overthink things.


No exaggeration, it is jn fact my reaction to all YouTube videos. :slight_smile:


Some ramble on, some are a bit more to the point.


Just noticed that the BHK600 price has dropped from $32.5k MSRP to $29.9k MSRP. I wonder if this is because parts cost have lowered and PSA passing down the saving or sale has been slow and PSA may overpriced this to begin with. With the ongoing sale ($24k), the price is even lowered. I may pick these up when it start showing up on the used market at $12k for the pair :slight_smile:

Good luck on your journey. I have enjoyed my BHK 600’s for nearly a year now and they still meet my “value” criteria.


Thanks. Actually, the opposite is true. Parts costs are up. Fortunately, we have some inventory purchased at the lower price. No, the reason for the price drop to $29K is that’s the maximum amount our financing company will go. And a lot of people choose the option of delayed payment or payment in chunks which, at $32K, was not available via the website.


That make a lot of sense, thanks Paul!

People actually finance audio equipment?

People finance anything.

Average credit card debt is terrifying.

Horrifying. I once met someone to sell him an amplifier and when he told me he was borrowing money to do so, and he hadn’t told his wife, I decided not to sell it to him.

Audio is a luxury hobby item and going into debt for it sounds mad, stupid and downright irresponsible. To finance an amplifier that costs $29,000? Absolutely nuts on my planet. If PS Audio can afford a 10% sales price reduction on all BHK600 sales to do this, there must be a lot of credit-based customers.

Don’t think there is such a thing as an overpriced product. The price is usually what the market will bear. It’s only overpriced if you think it is, others may feel differently. Never bought an audiophile fuse? For me a $30 fuse is overpriced by $29.

The debt Paul is talking about is not credit card debt, more likely an unsecured instalment agreement. That said, on average Americans have twice as much credit card debt as anyone else.