New PS Audio speakers?

i haven’t compared this to the Cone/Spike Decoupling Glider for sound quality, also from Herbie’s Audio Lab…but they work with heavy loads and sounds great with my PMC Transmission Line speakers (XB3) on top of Sound Anchors stands…+200 lbs. and can move easily with one hand…

the sound is tight and very musical…

safer to move around securely

Basically the same thing as the other but these go in place of the factory supplied feet instead of under them. I have a set of the threaded ones under one pair of speakers and you are right they do work great. I always just order straight from Herbie’s website.

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And now for something completely different … today Vandersteen announced the replacement for the Model 5, the new Kento. Without going into the gory details, it is a cross between the Quattro Wood CT and the Model 7. The biggest surprise is it has side firing (sub)woofers! Apparently they are easier to blend into the room (Paul knows that!) The details were getting me all worked up … and then I saw the price … “introductory priced at $37,500! :astonished: Guess those won’t be in my future! Would be interesting though is someone, say Paul or Darren or Chris, took a walk to the Vandersteen room (at RMAF) and had a listen. Of course I’m probably dreaming there, but even if one of the forum members can listen to both I would be very interested in their impressions.

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@paul what is the new estimated price for the AN3?


KEF Blades. Factory tour.

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Fun video. I’ve owned a pair or Reference 1s for about a two months now. They have taken some time to break in but are becoming pretty special. Look amazing too!

Drool time, homies.

This afternoon, I re-visited the PS Audio room at RMAF:

Chris was able to tame some of the lower midbass hump he was wrestling with yesterday. However, I heard more or less the same resonance in many of the other larger rooms I visited in the Gaylord’s conference wing (these are not hotel rooms, but larger conference/ballroom spaces separated by airwalls) so visitors should keep this in mind when trying to evaluate bass.

Paul shared that there is yet some work to be done and decisions to be made, especially as regards the redesigned monster woofer so what is on display is not a polished final product, but pretty close. If I understand things correctly the show demo pair is generating its prodigious bass without the benefit of servo control. (Paul can hopefully weigh in if I mis-stated)

As displayed, they sounded really good. Smooth mids and highs with no glare, cavernous sound field, good imaging and - oh my goodness - dynamics galore. Paul set this out as a primary design goal, and I would say he succeeded. I’m unable to hang around this weekend to fully assess the final tune on the display (it seems that every range of drivers has some sort of control), and many of the potential competitive designs were not up and running for me to hear before I had to leave, so looking forward to what the other impressions are.

To magicknow’s question, I did ask one of the PS Audio staffers the price question and his reply was that the extensive re-design has thrown previous estimates into a cocked hat. So we’ll have to wait until the ink dries on the blueprints and the bean-counters do their thing. Maybe Paul will give us a hint. , :slight_smile:


That’s just cruel …

What are the dimensions of each speaker. If you don’t know venture a guess.
Thank you,

Thank you for your report and photo.

I will be attending RMAF Friday only. Two days at an Audio Show is lunacy in my experience. The Vandersteen Room is the first stop on my list. PS Audio is also on the list. I’ll report back my initial impressions. I am very familiar with the Vandersteen Quattro CT and the 5 speakers. I own Genesis V speakers so I am familiar with Arnie Nudell’s approach. Should be interesting. Vandersteen and Genesis are two entirely different sounds. This is one reason why I am at RMAF, as well as the Innuos Zenith Mk III, AMG Giro, and Woodpecker turntables. Belden Iconocast were on the list but as they are not represented at RMAF they are now off the list. Warning, should I find the show initially to be a dud I will cut-out early and pursue my other passion, …Hiking the Rockies.

Are you pushing these because you’re a dealer?
I saw you posted the same advertisement on another thread about isolation.

What the hell are you talking about?


I asked you a direct question so either answer and explain or fix you post.

Sorry. it was another forum member. They posted the exact ad! Apologies

Ad for what?


Herbie’s is an Internet Direct company and has been for over a decade and and a Circle owner at the Audio Circle forum. The owner is now retired and his son runs the company. They sell quality isolation products at fair prices that don’t get you “audio forum status” They are a more than viable option to products from companies like Stillpoints and many others. I have recommended them many times here and on other forums as I own them and am satisfied. They don’t have dealers and I am certainly not one nor is anybody else on this forum.

@dawkinsj - I have quite a few of their products. Tube dampeners, isolation feet… good products at reasonable prices and excellent delivery… I believe they are direct sales…
I have a PSU I wanted to take a few degrees out of so I added black aluminum spikes 1.5in diameter silver aluminum thermal adhesive (2part) and pulled 8F from baseline hot spot temp. PSU had 5mm tall semi spherical rubber feet. These black aluminum spikes elevated the PSU 28mm rear and 32mm front to create a very, very tiny airflow. Now the PSU 18V @ 2A (3A spec) hot spot is 6F over ambient and <90F when thermostat is set to 73F… long life keeping temps lower on PSUs.

They are direct sales and if the Cable Company has them in their Library then they are a “trial” site and if you order through them they forward the order to Herbie’s.