New PS Audio speakers?

Hah! A speaker hiding method. Yes, I know several folks who routinely pull their speakers out from the wall, listen, then shove them back. Doesn’t work too well with us obsessive measurement people who stress over 1/4” of placement for best imaging, but I suppose
it might work for some. I think the better long term solution is to be able to play them fairly close to the wall in the first place so we keep everyone happy - or close to it. That’s what we’re working on now.

I would not spent the money for such a speaker if I couldn’t place it properly to be honest.

Plenty of folks willing to place speakers where convenient/appealing and use DSP to “fix the room”, especially those who are into surround…and what with the Kii’s and D&D’s of the world catching on, it just may be What It Is.:man_shrugging:t2:

I agree 100% though, as I’ve never been able to live for very long with modifying the program material coming out of the speakers to suit the room to any great extent. Always better to put the speakers where they need to be. Many simply don’t have that luxury.

I havn’t made up my mind yet about this.

One side of me is about plain and easy science and tell’s me, “there is only one substitute for cubic inch and that is more quick inch” as natural clean bass simply needs volume.

Then there is my own tendency towards smart an sleek designs and the WAF in the house.

It will most likely become a compromise like with my car. I drive a 2 L (considered to be a big engine in The Netherlands) Turbo Diesel with Direct Fuel Injection. I found the 1.4 L and 1.6 L engines really too small, thus chose a solution for high torque at low revolutions, that the above mentioned 2 L Diesel has. It is comparable to rich and precise bass of larger size speakers. The Turbo and Direct Fuel Injection to compensate for the low dynamics a Diesel has. Which is comparable to room inefficiencies compensated by a DSD. The 2 L Diesel has lower energy consumption and causes lower CO2 emission compared to 3.5 L or 5 L engines. But, I know that Diesel engines micro particle pollution is nasty as well and CO2 emission numbers were tampered with. Synergetic to the need of high power large class AB amplifiers for large speakers vs. the efficiency of DSP and class D amplifiers, with a rather calculable risk of the DSP tampering with music signal. Another downside of DSD is the complete inability to hande native DSD signals. While I just spent a all my pocket money on DSD128 files with beautiful music from Blue Coast Music. So much fun to listen too.

Like anything, it are compromises. And I have not figured out which way to go yet in my living room. The reason why I am still on the forum and look at the AN3 design.

I really like the new design, but it is big, and I will, probably, never be able to afford them. But what I think keeps people like me interested in this design is the concept of trickle down technology. If they can make this speaker the monster it has the potential to be, I can only imagine that experience and technology will factor into the more accessible Stellar and Sprout(!) speakers. I hope.

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Exactly correct. The AN3 benchmarks where we’re going in design and technology. The same team will then take those key elements and pivot them down and up from there. The Stellar line is super exciting to me because it’s a chance for us to really bring some
life into people’s homes at a price anyone will be able to manage. Exciting stuff!


What’s the price guide for Stellar speakers and their USP? Standmount or floor standing? Presumably mid-treble ribbon and mid-bass cone. For a budget system my guide would be 50/50 electronics speakers, so as the M700 GCD combo is $4k, perhaps that’s the mark?

Just had to share this note posted on our comments section from Howard:

"I’m a CO Audio Society member volunteering at the RMAF this week. Today was setup day (tomorrow thru Sunday are tweaking days). While about my volunteer duties later in the day I wandered thru some of the larger salon rooms to hear McIntosh, AlsyVox, YG Acoustics and other megabuck systems dialing in their displays. When I wandered into the PS Audio room, I found Chris dealing with getting the midbass of the latest AN3 prototypes singing in tune with the room conditions. This latest incarnation of the AN3 is a contender, folks, and I could actually make that comparison from the doorway before I walked into the room. I slipped into “the chair” while Chris took a call. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Stay tuned. Something special awaits."


Looking forward to a listen Friday. Appears to be a promising demo.

Yes, this is about where we are targeting. Between $3K and $4K the pair.

You’d have thought a good bookshelf speaker with a ribbon midrange would be a good idea. I’ve never seen or heard one. Piega do a couple with ribbon mids but my Piega dealer doesn’t stock them. If that’s what you’re planning certainly sounds interesting.

There are a few good ones with ribbon tweeters like the Quad S1 and S2 (very good) and the Proacs. I presume the problem is the lack of anyone making OEM ribbons. I understood PSA are making their own for AN3 and presumably subsequent units.

Not sure what the/your definition of “ribbon” is, but the Legacy stand mounts (don’t recall the model name) and the Anthony Gallo Strada speakers are well regarded and maybe worth noting.


Perfect! That’s my range! (I would be upgrading from Maggie 1.7’s).

I am replacing my Martin Logan 35XT’s with Maggies, but the ML35’s have a wonderful, large AMT ribbon tweeter. I think they are a seriously overlooked speaker in their price range ($1200pr). I am keeping them for my second system with my Sprout100.

The Stellar line of speakers, I think, will be a strong competitor to the Maggies.

Look similar to the Quads and similar price.

I assume these, like the Quad, have a crossover at around 3khz, but the AN3 is at 400hz.

I would expect a 4k speaker to go down to about 40hz and have an 8" driver, that sort of thing. PMC use a pair of smaller drivers and their advanced transmission line. They are very good but I found them lacking at low volume. Paul may go for two mid-bass drivers!

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Crossover on the ML35 is 2,200 Hz. They really do sound amazing for the price.

Thanks for the reply. I saw your further added info on today’s “ask Paul” videos. This will definitely be a helpful feature, and one I’m thankful PS Audio is providing. Though I’m still curious to see what the optimum/recommended distance from the rear walls will be. My Monitor Audio Silver 300’s state the optimum distance is 1-2 feet, so relatively room friendly. I’m one of those who pull the speakers out from the rear wall to nearly 4 ft for critical listening, and I don’t mind this since my speakers are much lighter than what the AN-3’s will be :slight_smile: Thanks again, hope RMAF 2019 goes well for PS Audio!!!

If you use the Herbie’s gliders under the factory spikes you can move these just as easily.


I’m still rocking it with the ML 60xt. The ribbon tweeter really does sound great. I’m still regularly amazed at how much more I’ve been able to keep squeezing out of them.

Yep, I think a lot of people hear “Martin Logan” and think of the electrostats (which I do not care for) and don’t realize how really good the Motion series (and their gorgeous AMT ribbon tweeters) are.
Good listening!

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