P20 freezing up again?

That happens to mine as well. but not always at the same time as the on/off issue

that I have not seen… however, this is my first failure… I will look for that on the next failure.
Full disclosure - I have my displays off all the time…

Great, Well, it’s close to midnight here in the ol’ country. I’m outa here… Talk to y’all tomorrow…

Also, need to give the firmware number

Good night!!

Hi all,

I have seen the scope screen graphs and sometimes the numbers disappear on a test unit we have here. It does restore to normal with a hard power cycle (rear switch), however, it does seem to be a real bug. I have an engineer looking into a solution.

I have confirmed when the unit is in this mode that it is still regenerating as expected, just experiencing display issues.

The issue with outlets turning on and off by themselves is strange. I have never witnessed this issue here, but obviously a few people have experienced it. I will add this to our bug list to be fixed and have our engineer looking at this issue as well.

I will keep you all updated, and hope to have some answers soon. We may need to reach out and gather some more information to assist in finding and plugging these issues.

Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or concerns, or think you have additional information that might help us re-create, or locate the issue.


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Thank you Matt. I haven’t experienced the on and off issue, but all my outlets are set to Always On. If you need someone to test, I’m willing to help.

I pulled the Ethernet cable last evening and no issue this morning. I’ll leave the Ethernet cable out; don’t see the value of Ethernet if all my outlets are on and the data collection has not worked in 6 months.

Don’t think it matters, but I don’t have mine connected to Ethernet either.

Hey @mattc I have a couple videos of the on/off issue that I sent to Mark Simpson. Let me know if you need me to send those to you.

I’ll talk to Mark and see if I can take a look at them.

Great, if needed just send your email address and I can forward to you as well.

Thanks for the P2O update and further inquiry.
Note that in my case the unit’s display occasionally has come on by itself but there has been no disruption of power to any outlet.

@mattc @straightwire @Veneet @knecht @cardri #BREAKING #THOUGHT I cleaned my display with dishwashing liquid (Google translation…). I was thinking: @Paul mentioned, 300 feet above in this thread, that they changed touch screens from resistive to capacitive. Well… Suppose you leave “fat fingerprints” on your screen that “begin a life of their own”…? I don’t know, it might help. Doesn’t bother to try does it…?

P.S. I once had an iPad Mini that had the same problem. I used it during my flying in Texas for navigation. Hot sweaty fingerprints on that display made it go berserk. Cleaning it made that problem go away,
At that time my plane did not have AC… LOL It still hasn’t…

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The 2nd morning w/ no P20 ON/OFF cycling issue after pulling off the Ethernet cable (02/19/19, 2200 PST).

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Hey @ronaldwanders I did check that to be sure, and made sure to look at the screen from an angle to make sure there wasn’t anything on it. Unfortunately the screen was clean. Good thinkin though!

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You can’t return it for another one?

@Brodric - I can do that in a heart beat… PSA is great! I don’t want to return it yet. I don’t know if it was an Ethernet issue (weird) or just a one time glitch. I have had the P20 since May, 2018 and had zero issues… I have had no display issues, just an ON/OFF cycling one time. I then unplugged the Ethernet a few days ago when it happened and no issue since. I don’t know if that was the problem… too early to tell… I follow up every morning with news either way… how are my Magico speakers doing?

Fair enough.

Q3 are having a rest. M3 are waiting for able assistance to help me install M-pods. I might connect the Q3 again and have another listen. I get quite a few questions about how they compare against M3.

@Brodric - That should be an interesting comparison. Looks like help is needed on those bad boys. They look amazing!