P20 freezing up again?

I’m selling the Q3. When they sell I’m going to hire somebody to come here and help me pack them. It’s impossible to do it by yourself. When that happens they can also help me install the M-pod stands on the M3.

I might also sell the M3 and keep the Q3, but I’d need a very good offer to part with them.

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If it is a firmware issue with hardware in good order, returning it will do no good. Best to hold out as PSA tech is aware of the problem according to recent posts.

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They are aware of it, but haven’t seen it for themselves yet. I would have thought if firmware the problem would be more widely evident in the field.

To be honest I’m just collecting data for PSA, reason for tracking my removal of Ethernet cable. Weird problem, has not come back yet…

Ha! Come on Brodric… You’ve been around this block enough to know that any firmware issues that have affected owners of the DMP and/or DSD can be endemic rather that pandemic. Shipping back a 5 lbs magic box is one thing, but a 105 lbs P20 is not anything anyone should ever do unless ALL options are thoroughly exhausted.


Still no P20 ON/OFF cycling issue; removed the P20 Ethernet connection (02/19/19; 2200). Happened once and no cycling since.

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Still no P20 ON/OFF cycling issue; removed the P20 Ethernet connection (02/19/19; 2200). Happened once and no cycling since.

Still no ON/OFF cycling issue; removed the Ethernet connection (02/19/19; 2200). Happened once before removing the Ethernet connection and no cycling since removing the connection.

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Same here.

@ronaldwanders - did it stop after you removed the Ethernet?


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Mine screen hasn’t froze in quite a while, but the scopes still go blank after a week or two. Anyone else’s scopes blank out after a week or two?

Nope @knecht, no problems anymore. Since I pulled the ethernet plug by the way…!

My latest P20 has not frozen nor turned on and off at all yet and it’s been 2 weeks

And Ethernet has been in for 1 week

Hi Guys,

I’ve been following this thread since I received my P20 three weeks ago. I first started it up without the Ethernet plugged in, then after a few days I got the Ethernet in and working. I keep the unit on all the time, and to save wear and tear on the display, I kept it off in Dim mode.

Interestingly, during the first week I discovered one day that the screen was on and slowly cycling between the default meter display and the oscilloscope display. When I touched the screen, after a second or so it went dark again. Then, a few days later the same thing happened. Again, touching reset it to off.

Since that first week or so and the second event, the issue hasn’t happened again. I waited a couple of weeks to describe this in case it was sneaking around in the background waiting for me to say something. But so far, so good.

My wild guess here is that something changed during shipping. Maybe (I’ll leave this to the engineers to play with), the plastic wrap came off a sheet at the factory and had a big static charge on it that affected the screen. Then, after a while, the screen recovered and is now back to normal. Just an idea.

Meanwhile, the sound remains spectacular and all is normal.


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That is definitely a possibility. I hope that is the case. I suppose it actually makes sense in a way as the screen is quite sensitive.

Still no ON/OFF cycling issue; removed the Ethernet connection (02/19/19; 2200). Happened once before removing the Ethernet connection and no cycling since removing the connection.

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Hi Charlie, join the club, you’re more than welcome. Exact same thing here. The top brass is working on it and we are patiently waiting. In the mean time pull the ethernet plug, sit back & relax…!

Plus one…

Ronald, it stopped doing this cycling even with Ethernet connected, and it has been fine for two weeks. That’s what makes me think the screen was sensitized in some way during shipment.
