For those that have your Power Plants sitting on a Powerbase, what is the best configuration that you have found? PB plugged into the wall and the PP plugged into the PB? Seems this would be the most logical setup.
Now what if there was also a Dectet in the mix? Wall - PB - PP - Dectet?
PB plugged into the wall and the PP plugged into the PB. Of course, try all options.
(I find I like my PB better under the PWD, but I only have one PB.)
I am using the PB into the wall socket and P10 on PB Outlet 1.
I have my subs on PB outlet 2 (not regenerated in the P10) because of many high power outlets in use already (risk of reduced dynamics). Also the P10 sometimes trips when subs are connected due to transformer inrush saturation.
What subwoofers are you running?
What subwoofers are you running?
In stereo configuration.
I have not seen these before. They look nice.
I am surprised their built in amps require so much start up current.
I have not seen these before. They look nice.
I am surprised their built in amps require so much start up current.
My main circuit automatic fuse has blown several times.
The fuse in the sub is 4A slow blow (230VAC feed).
PB plugged into the wall and the PP plugged into the PB. Of course, try all options.
(I find I like my PB better under the PWD, but I only have one PB.)
This was my setup for awhile, then I bounced back and forth a bit and have now finally settled on bypassing the PB outlet and going from the wall straight into the P10.
As elk suggested give it a try both ways and let us know your preference. If you would like to try a .5M AC12 between your PB and PP shoot me a PM.
What are some opinions on zone placement for my Oppo BDP-105? I use it a lot for watching blu-rays, but I have just recently started using it a lot for streaming DSD files from my NAS now that it supports DSDs. I have my three zones divided into digital, analog and video. Okay to keep the Oppo in the video zone that I have the television plugged into, or is it better now to move it into my digital zone that would share with my PWT/PWD?
Upon closer reading of the manual I see that the recommendation is that DVD/Blu-Ray players should be in the digital zone.
As the Oppo is a digital device, for both video and audio, I would keep it with other digital equipment.
As a practical matter, the output impedance of the PowerPlants is so low I doubt it makes much difference even if analog and digital are plugged into the same outlet or zone.
…I agree with Elk.