PS Audio AirLens

The question is:
What is the benefit of an HQP up / re-sampled or re-modulated bitstream going into a DAC.

Think of HQP like the the Chord m-scaler and to understand the m-scaler this is a great white paper.

Except, HQP has 40+ filters to choose from and I lost count of the modulators. Additionally, m-scaler only works on PCM. The developer of HQP believes, like PS Audio, there are advantages to using DSD into a DAC*. For that reason, HQP really excels at converting PCM to very high sample rate DSD. Being able to pick and choose, at will, your filter + modulator is very powerful to get the best sound quality because, a lot of times, your choice will be dependent on the source material. It’s pretty wild how much of a different it makes.

So, what’s the benefit to the Roon signal path? You keep Roon as the front-end to select music and HQP does its magic in the middle and all is right in the world.

*The developer of HQP has an open hardware reference DAC optimized for 7th order modulators. Signalyst


Thanks…did not know thats what it did. So its doing what Ted did in DSD and applied filter. So the filter is really what its adding. I use Roon DSP so its sort of along those lines.

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My understanding is there is a perfect upsampler as long as you give it endless time… I’ll show myself out… Happy Friday. :stuck_out_tongue:


Or a perfect infinitely repeating signal with finite bandwidth. :slight_smile:


A little nudge on our part can’t hurt :sunglasses:


Oh so I was wrong. The PSA DAC needs to understand NAA if HQP is in the input.

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Not the DAC but the digital transport / streamer.

NAA is a network protocol. DACs support PCM or DSD bitstreams. Some DACs have embedded streamers (network DACs) like Bridge card in DS.


Exactly. Here are the apps I have installed on our Signature Rendu SE. I expect something similar with the AirLens.

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several there that won’t happen

Yeah, one can dream…

Here’s the rest that are available but I haven’t installed. I really like the Rendu’s, they are like a swiss army knife.


Indeed. Hopes are not high for so many alternatives to feed an AirLens. Previous queries about whether HQPlayer NAA would be supported… even if only afterwards via firmware updates… were not answered. (Note: I have a multi-DAC setup and would not use HQPlayer full-tilt for the MKII.) And using UPnP via Mconnect or BubbleUPnP is not something I would wish upon a customer.


Is it correct, that if I wanted to use Qobuz, I’d have to get a Roon subscription first to be able to use it with the AL? At least so suggests the specifications list (Qobuz over Roon).

No use Mconnect just like with Bridge only you need the $5.99 version as the one you used with Bridge is only for Conversdigital boards.


Unfortunately… speaking as a Qobuz fan… this… Qobuz application, M-connect player and UPnP/AirPlay network player … just does not compare with Tidal Connect. With Tidal Connect, I can use the Tidal app to stream both stereo and multichannel… even ATMOS… direct to devices.

@tonyplachy FYI, as a UX design expert, my SWMBO would not tolerate Mconnect to use Qobuz. But Tidal is well received.

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I’ve always called my wife she who must be Obeyed; I didn’t know there’s already an internet abbreviation for it! God love Rumpole!


Orbi is spectacularly expensive.

I had a Netgear Mesh system, I found that Netgear’s customer support is absolutely appalling to the point of being useless.

I use Ubiquiti, it works brilliantly with no practical constraints (I have 85 IP’s active, but it can easily manage hundreds). The management software is incredible and the actual implementation and support is managed by the hardware supplier.

They can be used as access points, MESH’ed, IP’s can be fixed or floating, there is no end of options.


You may be able to use something like Audirivana which also merges Qobuz and your local library. It uses UPnP.

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If as many of the Beta testers have reported the USB implementation on the Mk II is as good as I2S then I don’t understand all the continued angst about the Airlens especially concerning software options along with it’s price tag… If USB is now a viable option then just buy a streamer that has software provided that does what you want and need it to do. No need to have to pay for aftermarket software like Roon, Audirivana or others when the major streamer manufacturers provide excellent alternatives as part of the package.


Although L Rider Haggard may have a look-in here too :slight_smile:

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Has anyone figured out the intent of the connections hidden here on the DSD MKII & AirLens? Device interface for audio or servicing? Just haven’t seen it on other PSA products.