Again Ozzy the fact that it is the DS’s fault is strictly the opinion of James and Chris and is no more grounded in facts than your opinion is. Nobody has confirmed anything. Basic logic though would indicate that if no other streamer on the market has these issues you are reporting with the Directstream including Bryston’s original BDP-2 then the fault lies with their new board which was probably outsourced. If they bought them in a large quantity then they are not going to admit the problem or correct it until that supply is exhausted.
Don’t have any idea what you are talking about as I have not responded to you about anything.
Ozzy, you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to signals and formats etc. The DS DAC accepts 192kHz SPDIF from every other transport known to man. There is something particular about the combination of Bryston’s newer output circuit and the DS DAC’s receiver that causes the high rate communication to fail.
Ted isn’t “manipulating” signals in any way. It’s most likely that the signal actually isn’t being received into the FPGA for some reason – or if it is then it’s Bryston who are doing the manipulating and sending something non-standard on their higher-frequency transmissions, which would be really weird.
I empathise with you wanting to get the incompatibility looked into, but I don’t think your accusatory tone is helping you.
Perhaps your right, I dunno.
But, I haven’t been too successful getting progress. Both companies seem to blame the other. Yet no answer to this miss- match after all this time.
Pretty sure USB will be the best connection, why wouldn’t you use it? I use USB from my Aries G2 to DSD.
The Bryston BDP-2 excels with its AES output, much better than usb. Plus, I have a very $$$ AES digital cable.
Got it!
Ditching the DSD in favor of the BDP-2, not the route I would take, but, to each his own. I hope you get a satisfactory solution.
So… would the bridge 2 be a better option? I would have to subscribe I guess to Roon.
I wish I could try one out to test the sound quality against the Bryston BDP-2.
And how could I use Qoboz?
Bridge 2 is ok. I just sold mine in favor of the G2.
I’d try running a USB cable for a week or two. It may sound better after using it a while.
A bit odd the AES won’t work, are you sure others with the BDP-2 are having the same issue?
Thank you for the reply. What is a G2?
Auralic aries G2, streamer.
The G1 or G2 will work with your external HD as long as it is self-powered or you use a powered USB hub for about $15 from Amazon. I own the Bridge II and the G1 and the G1 definately sounds better but I like Kyle have never heard a BDP-2 so don’t know how it would compare. The Lumin U1 Mini should also work but they have particular formatting requirements for attached drives.
I’ve been visiting my family so I’ll address the statements and questions that came up while I was “out”:
That’s not clear, but it’s possible. But more than one company specifically uses levels higher than spec because most of the DACs they test with see less jitter that way. (I don’t think this is what Bryston is doing, but I give it as an example of a way that people violate the spec on a regular basis.)
That’s not correct, PS Audio has attempted multiple times but couldn’t get a Bryston unit short of buying one for testing (e.g. customers would rather live with the problem than load their Brystons, which is fine.)
Where did we “just ignore it” and where did we “blame the other manufacturer”?
I stated that I would try some things and if they don’t help that I’d borrow a unit, which you volunteered. Thank you.
But I’m not doing it right now, I will as soon as I can.
This isn’t clear at all. The signal is simply going thru isolation caps and then a high speed comparator. There is a chance that the edges are getting rolled off too soon, but not according to the math based on the AES specs. It’s also possible that most other DACs work with Bryston because most other DACs use standard off the shelf AES receiver chips that accept signals outside the specs…
As I said, when and if I need a unit to test with I’ll ask for it. I thought that was enough of a response.
No, see above.
No, I never blamed Bryston, I’ve always maintained that it could be on either end. I do have a copy of mail to a customer from Bryston that clearly blames PS Audio and contains factually incorrect statements about the DS.
To sum up: you aren’t satisfied with the speed the problem is being addressed. I understand that, but making factually incorrect statements about the problem isn’t going to get us to work faster. I will ask you (or someone else that might volunteer) for a Bryston unit if I need one.
Ok thanks for the response.
I still can’t believe in all this time PS audio has not been able to obtain the Bryston BDP-2 and has to rely on a customer to provide the equipment. Is the budget for research that tight? Oh well…
To me, there is a digital signal from the sender unit A (Bryston BDP-2) going into the receiving unit B (PS Dac). Something is happening to the signal transfer in-between.
I do hope you can finally get this sorted out.
I can’t believe in all this time James hasn’t bought or borrowed a DS to do the test so I guess his research budget is that tight too.
Are you saying touché’ ?
Really a useless point and solves nothing. Just keeps kicking the can.
As you have continued to do for days. For some reason you seem to expect your unreasonable assertions to go unchallenged. After four years of this just do something different. There are dozens of options out there in both the DAC and streamer market including trying a used Bridge II to see if that works for you.
All things considered, I think that Ted was extremely gracious in his response. 118 posts in this thread and I’m amazed at where it is, nowhere.
PS Audio should be a big enough company to either purchase, ask for a unit from Bryston, or obtain one from one of there former distributors to perform the tests.
But, please don’t rely on or hide behind the excuse that “nobody will lend us one to try” to see what’s wrong. That’s just too hard to believe.
Sorry I can’t believe that PS Audio does not test there equipment with other manufacturers equipment. Especially, when there is an obvious problem.
I apologize if my tone now sounds a little ruder but I am tired of sarcastic remarks and getting nowhere.
The really curious thing is why you are so one-sided about it. Why doesn’t the exact same reasoning apply to Bryston? It’s a symmetrical situation but you seem to be insisting that any responsibility for resolving it lies 100% on PS Audio.