ps audio power plant premier device problem

Hi all! My name is Stas, I live in Ukraine and I have a question about the ps audio power plant premier regenerator. It so happened that recently he began to behave very strangely, he may not turn on, while one picture is constantly on the display and the fan turns on intermittently and nothing else happens.
It happens that it can be started, but at the same time, during operation, the fans start up and the relay clicks strongly, constantly clicks. The display shows a high percentage of distortion both at the input and at the output. I wanted to ask if there is a diagram for this device, is it possible to somehow get it so that I can repair it, and maybe someone has recommendations on this problem in order to understand where in the circuit to look for it. Thanks for any information!
p / s there is also a problem with the remote control, it does not respond to pressing and the diode is constantly on, what could it be and maybe it’s not the remote control?

be well, good luck

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Welcome @Floyd!


Floyd,/Stas welcome to the PSA forum. Sounds from your description as though your power plant premier regenerator is at end of life. You may want to reach out to @JamesH who frequents this forum and is a PSA staffer. He may be able to line you up with troubleshooting assistance.

Wishing you, yours, and your countrymen well.


Hello Stas
This is just a forum. You’re unlikely to get answers here.
You’re best source would be
Best of luck


Thanks for the info, I emailed the guys. waiting for an answer

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Hi Stas, I’ll email over all of the documentation we have for this guy. Hopefully it is helpful for you!


Thanks for the info, I hope this helps me fix it.

ср, 28 июн. 2023 г., 18:10 jamesh via PS Audio <>: