I was going to put my minidisc deck on eBay and my 22 year old son is all: “NO, NO, dad! I WANT that!!!” So I have a minidisc deck and a boatload of minidiscs for when he gets his own place.
What’s really cool? Apparently minidisc has its own emoji!!
I think I still have my portable. But the remote broke.
I was all-in on minidisc. Being able to have track names, relatively bump free listening as far as skipping…it wasn’t an ideal format but I loved it. Still do.
I asked my kids today - whilst looking over a dying patient laid out in the sun at the hospice - who wanted my stereo system when it’s my turn to go. They replied, “we’re going to bury it with you”.
With your Magicos, you’ve just opened yourself up to a bunch of grave-robbers here on the board, you know that? Not me, mind you, I’m still happy as a clam with my KEFs.