Schnerzinger Grid Protector EMI Allocator and other things

Luca, a picture of your system with the lights on would be nice.:wink:

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Wow! I want one!

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Water molecules are not escaping anywhere in your room.

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You bet!

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What? No wine glass holders!

Wine only upstairs, here in the basement just the consequent effects like dreams and incoherent blunders!


No wine in my basement listening room, just kitty, 2 dogs and rabbit tributes! :innocent:


After a few days with both EMI and GP I can happily confirm that these two little boxes are incredibly useful to improve engagement in my room.
But raising them up was the most effective way to understand how much they can change the music I’m listening to.

I was already pleasantly impressed by the realism they were bringing working together on the floor, to give you an idea: now this effect is double or even more.

Can’t trust my ears, a completely new experience. The presence, the image, the air around the scene. It’s incredible!

Need to admit that the MSB DD counts, of course. It added a more analog touch, a profound sense of relaxation and ease to the sound.

I highly recommend the 2 Schnerzy black boxes and I think it’s mandatory keeping them off the floor at least 50 cms. I’m speechless!


I can confirm raising it / them off the floor does indeed improve the sound.
I currently only have the GP.
A couple of nights ago I moved it from the floor to top of a box on my center channel and liked what I was hearing but wasn’t happy with it on my center channel speaker.
I moved it last night to a one meter tall speaker stand beside my center channel speaker, it didn’t just sound right, lost some of it’s clarity, sounded slightly closed in.
Allowing it to settle for a day transformed the sound, clarity back, very relaxed, treble slightly extended but nice and feathery, bass deeper. I was making more sense of the production again, hearing further into the mix.
It’s the best I’ve ever heard my system, it just makes you want to rediscover your CD collection.
Back to the music.


Your room and the components are tone on tone. The main thing is black! :joy: The whole thing is very harmonious, not just in terms of color, the setup also looks very orderly. :wink: The setup of the Schnerzinger boxes is important. The EMI Protector in particular needs its optimal space. Luca, do you still prefer all switches to 2, or is it a different switch position with the new placement? I was told to adjust the GP first and then align the EMI and adjust the switches.


Thanks, Andreas.

I’m so impressed by the results that I’m not interested playing with the switches anymore. Imagine savoring a superb and rare and never ever known before wine. You can’t think in that moment: is it served in the right glass? At the right temperature? You simply feel the taste and seems made in heaven.

Maybe later in the very near future I’ll try different placements (EMI centered) and settings (just found out both GP and EMI to 1 position, didn’t like the result). For now I’m gobsmacked by the realism of the music, I don’t want any change for fear that it might end or be ruined.


Nice to hear that you’ve slowly reached your destination.

The way you describe it, you now hear it as realistically as I was able to experience with Schnerzinger.
As it stands, GP and EMI should be used together. That probably means that I still need an EMI protector so that I don’t have to do anything by halves.
I’m probably still missing the SR black box or perhaps another box that could be available in the future.
How big is the difference for you with and without the SR Blackbox?
Is something missing from the puzzle when you remove these?
I ask what step should be next for me. I was also thinking about whether a Meitner MA3 would be a worthwhile upgrade to my Cambridge Edge NQ.
Or does it even have to be a Grimm MU2 ? Maybe there’s something else out there ?
Or is it not necessary if I add the EMI protector and an SR black box?
I still have a lot to do.

Have fun with your killer system!

Greetings Andreas

A lot of questions indeed!

I’ll try removing the SR Black Box to give you my thoughts, since next week I’m on vacation finally.

New tires can’t turn a MINI into a BMW X5! I’m a big advocate of the theory components-first-then-tweaking!

You mentioned the MU2, in your shoes I’d invest in that without any doubt.

Cables, power cords, Schnerzy things, filters or switches and things like those are more than tweaks, I know and love them. But one step at a time, the MU2 should be your priority IMO.

Having said that I’m considering the GP+EMI (once raised off the ground) the biggest leap in SQ I ever got in my room BECAUSE OF the stunning job done by the PZ and MSB DD (to be clear even further more than the Sakra level).
GP+EMI should be the ideal way to bring the magic in a system, where there already are solid foundations and best components one can reasonably afford!

If you can, go for the Grimm!


You might also consider the new Marantz Link 10n.

Regarding GP: I am using a sideboard out of massive wood for my components. Should the GP be placed inside of it or outside on top?

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Outside on top makes more sense IMO.

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Are there any photos of insides of theese Scherzinger diabolical machines? I’m super interested to see how it works :slight_smile:

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I haven’t been able to see any photos of the interior yet. The manufacturer is also silent about the function. I had several conversations with Schnerzinger, but couldn’t get anything specific. Actually, it doesn’t matter how it works, the main thing is that it works. I can also understand if the feature remains a secret so that not everyone can replicate it.

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I noticed you have placed B2s on top of the components now. Do they control vibration in addition to controlling water molecules too?:laughing:

I may try different locations like the top of rack to see if I’ll hear something different.

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Don’t think they work on vibrations, I tried that placement and liked it.