Schnerzinger Grid Protector EMI Allocator and other things

Well, amp is on top of my list first, and maybe I’ll add that German snake oil too😆

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I also decided to buy the preamp/DAC/streamer first and then maybe the EMI protector. Luka also said, first the components and then all the other stuff. Your comment, Donald, that you would prefer the Grimm MU2 to any cable was also an impetus to buy the components first. I hope the Marantz lives up to what many people say about it. The Grimm and Moon would be a lot more expensive, and thanks to the trade-in from Marantz it’s easier to implement. Seen this way, I have no loss with the Edge and only have to pay the extra charge.


The Schnerzy rabbit hole is growing deeper.

I’ve added the Allocator, as mentioned above and I like it.

Secondly I connected the Cable Protector to the power cord of the Allocator, via its own 3.5 jack connector. This is not a night and day difference but I like it too.

Now it’s time to add also the Multi Guards.

There is a Master, which is a little little box like the Grid Protector with an antenna. It must be placed in a central position (if raised off the floor is better). It’s so small that on the rack iti’s very easy to find a place for it.
It controls the plug-in Guards (Schuko) around the room.
It has 0, I and II positions, as usual. I’m using it set to 0 - so without ant SMPS at the moment.

Then there are 4 Multi Guards to be plugged into different sockets. They are intended (and labeled) for different purposes:

So you can choose a complete set of 1 Master + X Multi Guards and you can add more plug in Guards in future, if needed.

Currently I plugged:

a Phase Guard into the Allocator
a second Phase Guard into a socket on the front wall (dedicated line)
a Earth Guard into a socket on the side wall (dedicated line)

I’m still working with different combinations though.

They really work! All the beauty brought by the Grid Protector can be enhanced even further. Calm, control and realism as usual are the immediate benefits.

Fun and joy here tonight!

I was told the Grid Protector alone can do 70% of the job, the Multi Guards can add an extra 30% of beauty. It seems true to my ears and I haven’t yet tried I and II positions. Wow!


Luca, you’re already in too deep. :joy: I think you can now take a break and enjoy your system. At least until the new Schnerzinger things are introduced. :joy:

In other words, does it mean that the Allucator is now superior to the Puritan and the Stealth Dream?


My head is spinning from reading this Schnerzy business, and I lost tracking on how many boxes hiding behind your system. If they were all in the back of my setup I would probably trip over these wires and die one day.

I need a drink to get rid of that nasty headache from thinking about this thing.


Pure joy, my friends. Pure joy!

Oh they are all demos, if I like them I can place an order otherwise I’m safe.

I’m having fun…


We all know how borrowing demos ends in most cases. :rofl: Have you placed the Multigard on your side system or the listening position? You can freely choose the things for the sockets, depending on the situation.
Have fun to you.


I’m still trying different placements…

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If I haven’t misunderstood, the Multigard should be the thing that some people put in their bedroom in order to have less interference in the room and to be able to sleep undisturbed. You can put the Multigard on your bedside table later. :wink:

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None of these Schnerz things are available in the US for tryout, and that is a blessing!

I read Shunyata Altaira user menu, and they connected SG and CG boxes together with their power distributor. Their big thing is to separate digital from analog gears, but chassis ground seems more important than signal ground for their grounding products. This is of course different from my understanding from a few days ago. Some say their system makes a significant improvement, but the concept is different from CAD and some others. In other words, I am totally confused again.

So, I disconnected grounding cables to SW-6 and PST, so the RouteMaster connects to M1200 and PZ only now. I cannot say I heard much a difference.


It’s a mess, I agree. This is the reason why I prefer the radical solution. One grounding box for each different component, switch and router included.

The noisiest devices are digital, if you are fighting high frequencies. A single passive ground box - in my scheme - should drain or absorb those frequencies from that specific (digital) device, with no other connections to other components.
Noise comes from internal chips/digital parts or through external connections, no matter the origin, what I want to attack is the offending pollution draining it from each device along the path.

Using single CAD boxes I found that from signal ground comes more benefits, sonically speaking.

In my mind this is the safest way to reduce noise in a system,


Yes. I agree and I’m usually the last to say this but the Scherzy stuff is too much. Now I’m going to go back and enjoy music.


It totally sucks to have hands on experience with it. I am going to try to resist and use the money to learn Portuguese.

Actually, My Sonic Lab has created a new top of the line Cartridge. The Signature Diamond. I have to get one. It is in process. Gryphon has a new top of the line Phono preamp too. These things have my attention. Then there is the Stealth Sakra Gold. I also have the floorstander Degritter on order. Refrigeration, massive solution filtering. These are solid opportunities one must consider if one is seriously off their chain.

Vinyl, accept less and be somewhat out of the loop.


Do you also feel more comfortable (healthier) using Schnerzinger now?
Or are you now being brainwashed to buy more products… :wink:


Boa sorte, você conseguirá traduzir as letras dos álbuns da Bossa Nova com mais facilidade!

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Holidays can contribute more, I guess!

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Eu tenho um lápis amarelo, meu futuro é brilhante!


Switched the Master to I position (with SMPS connected).

Another step up… mmm… it sounds really nice.

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What did you hear about the timeline?

I don’t know the schedule. I just heard that there are a few new additional things coming.