Speaker jumper cables made a difference - am I delusional?

I’ve been dreaming of upgrading my perfectly acceptable Cryo treated Mogami W3104 speaker cables, but you know, money. But I still felt like my Aspen FR10’s could do better, plus I needed to scratch that upgrade itch - so I made up some DIY jumper cables to replace the ones that come with the Aspens. I bought 4 ft of Furutech FS Alpha 36 speaker wire and some rhodium spades from Chris at VH Audio and made up a set of jumpers. So yeah! The imaging was instantly improved and everything just sounded quicker or immediate (if that’s the correct use of the term).

I thought, well, what if I switched the uniwire speaker cable input from low to high input and see how the Furutec jumpers do feeding the bass. Nope! Bass got a bit muddy and I lost the magic in the upper range. Switched back and the magic returned.

I really did hear a difference. It felt good to spend only $250, get some DIY time in, and have improvement like that.

Anyone else experience SQ improvement just by changing out the jumpers?


Years back I had a set of Nordost Reference Bi-Wire Jumpers that were really nice. They were definitely worth the money…

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Well done

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Switching from the stock jumper cables to Cardas Clear jumpers improved the sound of my FR10s as well.

I also replaced my stock FR10 jumpers with Cardas Clear jumpers, and it was an improvement.

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It’s been over 5 years now, but I recall hearing immediate improvements in my Maggie .7s with the jumpers that Robert Raus provided with his Magnariser stands.

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FR30 is still so new to me but I have owned the pair for almost one year already. :grin: For the last 10 months I have tried 5 pairs of jumpers, and they were all for the upper boxes (mid/high). I do not use jumpers for the lower section.

Of course I heard differences among them, otherwise I would have stopped at the third pair. But once you get to a certain level, they are just sound different, not necessarily one is better than others.

I settled with AQ Dragon banana to spade jumpers because of my personal preference of the SQ.


I’ve virtually lost count of how many speaker jumper upgrades I have done. The first one was with Magnaplanar Tympani 1D’s in the 70’s. It has always been a plus, even when speaker manufacturers, like PSA, provide decent ones.
This step can be taken further if internal wire can be accessed and changed as well. On top of that, bi-wiring the speaker directly (if available), eliminating the external jumper, takes an even greater leap forward.
Baby steps, I guess, but it’s nice when each speaker wire mod provides a brighter future.


Interesting and informative responses. It seems to be a slippery slope, but it is nice to be able to achieve results with small steps AND enjoy the ride with other psychophiles… ehrmm, AUDIOphiles :slight_smile: :rofl:


No you had it right… psychophiles! :rofl:


Imagine if you made speaker cables from the same cable you made your jumpers with.


You devil you. It never ever crossed my mind, not once!


If fuses and solder make a difference to some, jumpers should be obvious. Thankfully I count myself among those who cannot.

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How long before we see Swiss Sluggo “jumpers”?

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I was happy to hear positive change with an “economical” upgrade.

I don’t know the reference. What are Swiss Sluggo?

Over the past two years there has been quite a bit of discussion about a Swiss Digital Fuse Box.

These devices incorporate the use of solid blanks of various metals, referred to as “sluggos”, in place of traditional fuses. Many believe these enhance sound quality. With supporting electronics, the sluggo-equipped equipment is no more vulnerable to damage from overcurrent conditions than with a fuse.

Thanks for clarifying. I have come across some threads about the swiss fuse box but hadn’t paid attention to the “sluggo” term. I’d hate to miss out on a chance to spend more money on things that I could never publicly speak about outside of this forum. :slight_smile: Cheers!


SDFB has a special deal going now btw. Too bad I have no need for one for either PZ or Puritan. Wait, I mean it’s great!

Come on, you know you need it. And it will make your golf game better and make your whisky/whiskey taste so much better!