Long story short, I was having issues with my DSJ connecting to Roon and Spotify, so I traded it in and upgraded to the DSD. After setting up the DSD yesterday I was able to get Roon working once i manually entered IP info in the DSD (DHCP enabled did not work). Next i try spotify and I can see the Bridge II. When i try to connect it says “connecting” but never actually connects.
I have tried the following but neither did anything:
Power Cycle DSD
Power Cycle Modem, Router, DSD in that order
Other info:
Windom 4.0.1
DSD is connected to my network via ethernet cable to the wireless router
Where is your Roon core located? That device should be powered up last. It probably should have a wired connection especially if the music is stored there. Personally I would always use DHCP but others use manual addressing with good results.
Surprised Roon is working well but Spotify isn’t. Are you trying to toggle back and forth between the two? Roon tends to take priority, so it probably wouldn’t allow Spotify to push it to the side. You may need to completely shut Roon down in order for the Bridge to connect with Spotify.
Roon core is located on my PC which is in the room adjacent to the living room with my stereo. It connects via wifi to my router, which is connected to to my DSD. This setup worked great with my DSJ for over a year. Why that stopped working and why the DSD is having a different, but similar issue is strange.
Wild guess here, but is there any chance that the Spotify app remembered the old Bridge and is trying to connect to that? Similar to a remembered bluetooth device on your phone?
I have never used MControl before. Is there a guide to setting that up?
TJ suggested i enter a value in the DNS IP setting. Right now i have it as He recommended changing it to Im going to try that as well tonight.
Changing the DNS IP manually didn’t do anything. In fact it reverts to on it’s own after I reset the unit.
Tried the MConnect control app. It sees my Bridge II, but when I select Spotify as the music library it just directs me straight to the spotify app. So no change here.
While doing all this I notice that sometimes my optical input sets the volume to 25 or 50. How do I keep every input at 100 by default?
I find this kind of stuff difficult because there are so many variables. I did seem to have success with a similar problem by letting the DS use DHCP but setting the IP address manually at the router instead. It many not work for you, but it’s easy to try. Might take some rebooting all around after you set it.
Thanks for all the input and help. I wanted to give an update and provide some closure to this thread. TJ suggested i change the Primary DNS setting on the DSD to and voila! Spotify connect is now working! I am happy camper now.