Hi from a new member looking for advice on an issue I’m having with my P5 Powerplant.
I’ve been using two P5 for about the last three years or so to power all my source and line level components. They have been absolutely faultless over that period, and I’ve been extremely happy, both in terms of their reliability and their impact on the system.
In a (perhaps ill-judged) moment of inspiration, I decided to see if swapping a couple of the components between the two P5 might help with a very low-level earth hum. I powered down all the channels on both P5, switched both units off , made the component changes then powered up again. One P5 came to life as expected, the other goes into the initialization screen, but then the screen goes blank. The unit still seems powered up, but no home screen at all.
The unit is well out of warranty, and I’m more than happy to spring for repairs if necessary, but just wondered if anyone has any idea of the cause/possible fixes before I get in touch with the distributor to enquire re: repairs.
Many thanks,