System Photos!

Optional eye candy is nice, and seems more popular with folks who have a recording background (including those of us who used to record their LPs to tape).
Can’t beat a good spectrum analyser I reckon, but I also have rms and peak level and (very well simulated) VU meters.

As for a readable volume readout, essential if you don’t have a knob* to look at, if only to protect ears and speakers when you first out on some music :slight_smile:

All of them have been invaluable during “tuning” and adjustment of the hifi, but mostly are just there for entertainment, that can be turned off when wanted.

* in the uk this would be a hilarious double-entendre, hopefully less so elsewhere…


Happy cake day Chops! May today and all your next days be wonderful!

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Elk, I don’t see how it is uncommon to want to set the playback volume before starting a track. There can be a variance of around 15db between recordings and I wouldn’t want to start some recordings 15db louder. I don’t agree that my requirements are uncommon. Thank goodness we no longer need to rely on twirling a knob (although we probably did that anyway if we don’t have a visible/precise volume level). Some years ago the Directstream was modified to set the power up volume to 25 - prior to that I’d destroyed a £400 pro tweeter! The DS allows one to easily turn off the display. The volume display on the DS Mk 2 is a joke as it can’t be seen from more than ten feet away.

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My CJ tube preamp has a twirly knob and no remote control :grinning:

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As we have previously discussed, yours is singular, complicated need.

As you explained: “I have several playlists that span many different volume levels (I group them in descending order of recorded volume so as I get through the list I turn the volume up on the dacs (currently three plus a spare but I may move to a four way active system).” You acknowledged you can be changing the volume with each track of a playlist.

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No it isn’t, maybe we should set up a vote on it. Lots of people use playlists and real hifi fanatics wouldn’t want a streaming system to do their own volume control. I tried the first incarnation of Roon’s Nucleus Plus and wasn’t impressed with it.

Edit - I think you are being argumentative. I’ve explained that a 15db difference in volume between tracks is huge. I also sit more than ten feet away from the screen. There are lots of people that have requested larger volume numbers on the Mk 2 display - why can you just not accept that we have our requirement.

Another Happy Cake Day, Chops!

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My schedule did not allow another day, but there is a good reason to come back one day. :sunglasses:

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I don’t mind row of LEDs in place of VU meters, but users need to be able to adjust the damping factor, since they can be distracting if not tune to taste, or turn off :slight_smile:

As for damping factor of VU meters, I noticed McIntosh meters are more damped compared to Luxman. I like the Luxman tuning better, they more accurately convey the rhythm of the music.

Happy New Year to the Hi-Fi Family! I’m sure it’s New Year already some place in the world.

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Happy cake day!

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It is uncommon to structure a playlist that requires volume changes with every track.

It is even less common to have a system that requires changes in volume on three separate DACs everytime time a different track of a playlist is called up.

No one else has indicated they do anything even remotely similar.

I am not being argumentative. Rather, I’m putting your harsh complaints in context. Your needs are singular, grounded in a unique complex system you created.

There is, of course, absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing. We can all appreciate that maneuvering your system is a difficult process and you would like the volume display larger as a result. Perfectly fair.

But to repeatedly proclaim that the volume display is useless and a joke is frankly ridiculous.

I assume you are aware of replay gain which will normize the level of your tracks and do automatically what you aew doing manually, all without any damage to the music.

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Happy Cake Day, Chops, and many more!

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Fun observation as to VU meters on different products.

When you get the levels just right VU meters will dance to the music.

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I have repeatedly justified why one needs to see the volume display and the fact that it can’t be seen beyond about 10 feet is ridiculous. Regarding adjusting three dacs at the same time the vast majority of the time it works perfectly well but I do need to see the volume display. I suspect that if @Paul is honest he’ll agree that it was a mistake to make the numbers even less than on a BHK Pre. Also, out of interest it’s been said that the DS screen is electrically noisy. My system is incredibly revealing of the slightest change (e.g. to a cable) and I honestly can’t hear any difference when the display is dimmed or not and I suspect the inherent noise of the DS dac design totally drowns out any display noise. I repeat that I consider the existing volume display on a DS Mk 2 to be useless. Hopefully others will chime in and agree and repeat their desire for a larger number display. Regarding using a streamer’s auto levelling software I suspect Ted would never do that because he’d trust his software against that of most other systems. In any case My Melco servers don’t provide such a facility.

I agree with you, for what it’s worth :). I hate the MK2 display, it’s low quality for the price of the product, I would at least expect a high quality OLED not this poor backlit LCD display, and so small it’s useless at anything but right in front of the unit. Paul said he can see the volume at “listening” position… I don’t believe him for a sec having own the MK2 myself, Paul’s credibility drop a bit for me with that remark, but maybe he has eagle eyes LOL. Either way, there seems to be plenty of folks here not having problem with the display, so there’s that…

As for the noise concern, at this point, it’s better to just delete the display from the Mk2 at least there’s a good excuse for nothing seeing anything from listening position :slight_smile:

Whether the MK2 display is sized correctly our has the “feel” one desires is purely subjective. As for the potential for noise generated by the display, this was a byproduct of the Mk1 display, not the MK2.

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As you guys can tell, I quite like flashy lights and such. Makes the equipment a lot more interesting than just black or silver boxes with a couple of static blue LEDs.


ok not to take away from anything chops has accomplished or anything, but it’s not his birthday, right? It’s just the anniversary of joining the forum, right?

Unless of course you joined the forum on your birthday, then Happy Birthday Chops!

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Glad to see your equipment reflects your love of displays!