System Photos!

Bought my Pioneer Kuro Elite 60 inch in December of 2007…and it still looks and functions like new…Built to last! If you are a movie buff…a quality plasma can’t be beat…


We owned the same Sony Trinitron that they had on the Mary Tyler Moore show.


Put this under the file of a man with too much equipment. Selling my condo so my real estate agent said I need to get my two Rel N31 subs out of my condo and the Townsend Platforms they were sitting on. She also said I needed to remove 6 x16 inch Isothermal ASC tube traps with a total of 20 ft in height. My condo looks a lot cleaner but my low end is not as deep. My friend is the beneficiary of my transition. Currently using just the MBL Corona integrated amp to power the MBL 120s. The Eversolo Standard streamer/DAC is feeding the Amp. The 120 / Rel 31 combo is a very nice match. Crossover on the subs set at 30 HZ. Everything audio related in this picture is for sale.


Minnesota, looks great, just wish my wife thought similarly. The Corona integrated in the mbl 120 must sound spectacular.

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wow, you moved from downtown to where

That is the same set I passed on to my daughter. Wonderful wonderful monitor!!!


The MBL Corona sounds great but their Noble N11 Preamp with N15 Amps sounds better and their 6010 reference Preamp with 9011 Amps sound even better. It is a testament to the resolution of the 120s that you can clearly hear the differences in the quality of the amplification chain. I think the 120s are a smoking value if you like an Omni wave form.


take a leap

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Nice racks too! :deer:

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I shouldn’t ask as I have spent way too much recently but … is the Eversolo the A6? I presume the turntable is a Rega, perhaps P8?

fats, what cart is on the TT?

You are correct on both counts.


Hana ML…good bang for the buck cartridge.


The Hana ML is great with jazz and plays nice with many tone arms. A bit more fleshed out mid bass on the Rega P8 than the Apheta 3.

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Still fussing with subwoofer placement. So far this is the best.
I have a miniDSP SHD to work on room modes but haven’t had time (or the inclination) to put it to work yet.
This room sounds way better than it should based on common knowledge.


Your dog seems to approve the subs placement indeed. Congrats and enjoy the downsizing journey (me too sometimes think about it, need to admit).


A square room (?) is tough.

Mine is nearly square and I have found that getting the speakers and the subs out into the room (somewhere around 1/3 of the depth of the room) works wonders.


Have fun.

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Yes he’s been a good sport about the whole stereo thing. Some of the deep bass tracks annoy him but he really likes the vocals. :grin:


It is a very non symmetrical room.

It is roughly square by measurement (13’ wide and 14’ deep) but the left wall only comes back about 10’ before opening up into a hallway / entryway.

The right wall is 14’ long but also opens up into a large space to the right rear of the MLP.

The listening area opens up completely to the rear with an angled wall / fireplace 6 or 8’ to the left rear of the MLP.

The actual total front to back length from the wall behind the speakers to the kitchen wall behind the MLP is roughly 24’ so plenty of space for long waves to dissipate. And plenty of angled surfaces to distract and confuse what would be standing waves.

The ceiling is an offset cathedral type with the peak being maybe 3 feet off center to the right. The left wall is roughly 8’ tall with an open box soffit with hidden lighting and the right wall is roughly 10’ tall.

The right half of the ceiling also has 4 open box cavities with hidden recessed lighting in them.

The speakers are roughly 4’ into the room from the front face and 7’ C-C between the tweeters. The subs are very close to being in line with the main speaker drivers.

I think these oddities are what helps the space sound so damn good.


That subwoofer on the pillow seems to be pointing towards the side wall. That’s a very interesting configuration. How did you come up with it? :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: