Tony Bennett RIP

Age 96

Edit…Just noticed on Article thread after I began this topic


He was a national treasure.


I guess this was kind of expected, given his age and health, but it’s still a shock. He’s one of those artists I thought would live forever. What a shame!


His nineties have been tough for him (and/or his family) so that alzheimer’s nightmare is over. What a musical mind, what a voice, what a painter! He will be missed. RIP Tony.


I just heard about Tony’s passing listening to WFMT while pounding on my laptop. Stopped what I was doing for a moment of silence. He represents an era of artistry and showmanship we’ll never see again. His generation was … remarkable.

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I have been listening to him for 5 decades! RIP Tony!

in his last concert with Lady Gaga, he could barely speak…but, he could sing


Classic Tony Bennett, may he rest in peace with Frank, Dean, Sammy, and the Rat Pack.


For me, he was one of the greatest of them all. I saw him three times over a thirty year span. Each show was a joy. So long, old pal. :cry:


I’m so glad I got to see him live in concert a few years ago.


CBS rebroadcast that concert last night. I love Tony Bennett, so I tried to watch, but when Lada Gaga launched into her third song without any sign of Tony on stage, I had to quit. I was surprised how little I cared for her steamroller rendition of standards (no room for anything like “interpretation”), and her on-stage movements during the songs seemed awkwardly spasmodic to me (they reminded me a bit of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine tried to dance). My wife and I agreed our time would be better spent catching up on Jeopardy episodes we’d missed while away last week. I’ll honor Tony in my own way over the next few days.

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