Unable to Edit Post

I’m unable to edit my posts, Can some one fix this please. pulling-hair_gif

If some one post after me the edit option is gone.

Sorry about that. It’s fixed.

oll said If some one post after me the edit option is gone.
This is a pretty common default for forums. This allows the poster to make changes until there are responses. At this point, the post is locked which prevents also sorts of nonsense in the flow of a discussion as posters go back and change what they wrote. Of course, one can always clarify or add to one's statements later in the thread.

This group is pretty well behaved, so being able to go back and fix a typo or similar mistake is very reasonable.

And being able to go back and fix a typo or similar mistake is appreciated.


I make many.

You should all be able to go back and edit your own posts to your heart’s content.

Thank goodness!

@Paul McGowan - Would also appreciate having the ‘delete post’ function reinstated, thanks.

Your wish is my command sir. It has been done.41_gif