What’s your oldest piece of gear on your rack?

I was wondering over the years what had survived the longest in my addiction to hobby updates:

  1. Gold Note Mediterraneo TT = 5 years

That is pretty predictable.

  1. The rack itself, SolidStell HY = 4 years

To be honest with lots of modifications along the way.

  1. Innuos Statement = 4 years

And this is pretty odd, because servers are often supposed to be more victims of the speed technology evolution

  1. CAD Ground Control GC1 = 4 years

All the rest of the system is younger.

And you members, what is still in use in yours?

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Nothing in my rack is more than three years old. Boring.


Thorens TD 125 MKll turntable 46 years and still going strong.


My bass amps are 37 years old. Threshold Stasis 12e


Pass Labs X250.8 power amp: 6 years


Apogee Diva speakers 35 years old.


My Watkins WE-1s speakers 41 years old.

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My ears. 73 years old, could be better.


The oldest piece in my rack is my Mark Levinson No. 28 preamp (30 years). Yes, I’ve had to have it serviced twice but I still very much like the way it sounds. It would have been my AR ES1 turntable but I sold that when I bought my Rega P8. That I had for 38 years.

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Too bad I couldn’t brag about my 30 year old speakers anymore. Now I have nothing older than four years.

My speakers, 23 years old: Von Schweikert VR-IV jr’s.

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ReVox PR99 MK II circa 1980 (~44 years old)


Easy my OG Linn Sondek LP 12 with an Ittok LVII tonearm. It has been in one system or another for over 40 years. Edged out my B&o 4002. Tradition mandates its inclusion in one of my systems. As they say, it has heard it all.


ADS Braun L810 speakers. 48 years old.


Had those in the day with the Linn, driven by a Son of Ampzilla amp and AGI 511A preamp. The ADS L810 were great sounding for the day. Replaced with
Magneplanar 1D.

The oldest piece of gear in my rack is my Stellar Gain Cell at just about 5 years old. The oldest piece I have in my possession is a Denon analog FM-only tuner, the TU-850, that I traded a GAS Thalia preamp for for in 1980. Second oldest is a B&K ST-140 power amp I bought around 1985 or so.

PSA jr and Accuphase. Both 2018. Oldest I have use was this year. ARC LS2B. 25 years on it I guess.

My Marantz 120B tuner is 53 years old. It was worked on about 10 years ago by Bill Ammons and brought up to original spec. Actually, better than original in some respects.


my IRS Beta are 37 years old also! All original drivers. Woofers refoamed and some caps on crossovers replaced.

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I think the oldest item in my main system is my Rega RP3, which was bought in '11 or so with a TTPSU and an Exact2 and was upgraded with all the Groovetracer mods in '15 and then with the most recent Rega improved belt when that came out. Didn’t really see a lot of use until the last few years. . . getting some more play with mostly jazz records from the fifties through the seventies as my system playback has improved.

The next oldest would likely be my Decware HR-1 speakers from '14, though I have a pair from '12 in my audio/video system. I love these speakers. Hope to never have to replace them.

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