I’m using a Denon DCD-1600NE
Oppo 105D
PS Audio DMP.
I’m using a Denon DCD-2500NE : )
Esoteric SA-50
How do you like it?
My Denon can be picky with discs that are even a little scratched.
Office System: Denon DVD 2900
Big Rig at Home: PS Audio DirectStream Memory Player
I’m using my PS Audio DMP to DSD combo in my main system, and Oppo UDP-205 in my audio/visual system, and a Pioneer Elite universal (blu-ray) player in my headphone only system for SACD.
Mark Levinson 390S. I think it does a good job. It can be picky with discs that are home burned by minor artists. I have one from Rachel Flowers that I love. It flat won’t play that one.
I have a McCormack Deluxe UDP-1, Conrad-Johnson Edition.
I recently ripped all of my SACDs and play the DSF files through my Auralic Altair G1 DAC/Streamer.
OPPO 105EU with the I2S mod from Seul.
Marantz SA8005
I use a
Fully modded Oppo 203 for use as a I2S transport. Parts purchased from oppomod.com
I was making it to compete with the DMP, completed before the PST was introduced. Audio performance probably won’t give the PST a run for the money but the video performance blows it away!
Marantz SA-10
Fully modded 203 from Oppomod here too although I don’t listen to discs very much at all. I should sell it I guess. . .
I used to have a Marantz SA-KI SACD player which I loved but had to sell it because I found a great deal on a locally owned Directstream Dac. The SA-KI is the sibling to the SA-10 minus balanced output.
Using OPPO 205 and loving the app that enables remote control
from my tablet…
Great app better player David. Unfortunately you still have to get up and change the disc!