When playing a FLAC file through ROON the DS displays it is playing a WAV file. Why?

I would never notice. My display is off all of the time other than when I change volume or inputs, both of which are uncommon events.

Voting as to what guess is most appealing would be truly pooling ignorance.

OK, I am going with literal and just LMFAO… pooling… like a blood stain… or brain fluid… :slight_smile:

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Interestingly enough, it will correctly display “MQA” when Roon plays .mqa files from Tidal to the Bridge II. It just seems to equate FLAC as a .wav file. Bummer.

I always like looking at the silly display and album art as I’m laying down listening to the awesome sounding DS,

Its habit forming only because its there.


Like Elk, I sit 8ft away and being old… (me, not Elk), I stopped looking (turn display off unless volume increase; me a lot due to my wife yelling on occasion) after the 2nd day and just turn it off… I have iPAD with all the art and info… 2 ft away… or is it that I am lazy… I’ll go with pooling lazy… :slight_smile:

I believe, but not 100% sure, that Tidal displays flac as flac.

Can someone with Tidal verify that please.


Tidal shows it as FLAC, but it still shows as WAV on the PSA DAC, but only when using Roon. It displays as FLAC when I stream via the mcontrol app.

I streamed TIDAL flac and it was displayed as wav…looked at signal path and it was streamed as TIDAL FLAC 44.1kHz 16bit 2CH

So does that mean it’s not a Roon issue?

says Roon wav on DS DAC… then TIDAL is run through Roon, no you can’t. Don’t know if mktay1994 went through Roon


So it seens related to Roon.


I though the album appropriate for the subject…

yes, looks like a Roon thing cause my TDAL is going through Roon and mktay1994 is not… I assume?

Here is my screen when using Roon:image

Case closed; it’s a Roon thing!

Here is my screen when using Roon: image

Yes Mconnect works correctly.

Great song choice! Crying the Roon tears…