Will PS Audio develop a competitive product? (Humorous question)

I know that, but it sure didn’t stop them from doing that with the TV broadcast spectrum. I’ve pretty much lost faith in the FCC doing anything good for normal people versus large business interests.

“The AM/FM spectrum is really large and nobody listens to radio that much anyway and they can just stream on smartphone and everyone has a smartphone and we can dedicate this spectrum to…”.

Anyhow. I hope I’m wrong. I just have lost faith in “experts” and “the people’s best interests”.

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Oh yeah no faith in the FCC. My son dealt with that for our company doing digital Radio to the line trucks. Telecomm is the worst to deal with.

I will say the diff. between TV and FM is the car is moving. 95% of a stations audience is in cars. TV is stationary homes. As long as the FM stations pay for the spectrum they should use it. I think TV stations did not pay for it. No idea about radio stations.

Realistically it is probably a free throw-in to close deals on overpriced amps or preamps or god forbid speakers

I’ll happily sell an empty BHK600 chassis for $3,000.


It will have a lot of air for sure… :thinking: :grinning: :grin: :innocent:
Best wishes

You know what I really like about this product? No transformer hum.


With a functional, illuminated PSA logo…?

If the logo is not lit, it’s a hard pass from me.


Gosh, that’s a $500 add on… Don’t be pushy. :joy:


I’d like to have one of those PS Audio hologram thingies. Paul had one in at least one video I saw, where it changes colors.

As for the McIntosh box, I can only think of how people pay $4 and $5 extra for guacamole on a burrito and I realize McIntosh is simply doing what businesses do. It does appear to have a component-grade chassis. Who am I to judge?

Yes, businesses do what businesses do. But that doesn’t mean selling, say, specialist audiophile-grade McIntosh-branded Q-tips for $35/pair is a good look for them. Or anybody.

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I can hide my M1200 in the 600 boxes to make them look more impressive. Please add my name to the Beta test list for that.

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Why don’t you hide BHK 600s in doubled up M-1200 chassis and cruise with a sleeper system?



You mean there is room for one BHK 600 to stuff both of M1200. That sounds great and I may only have to pay one-half of what James wants to charge.

You cannot mean the other way I around I hope, the Mod for that will be too high I am afraid.


Those BHK 600’s are impressive looking.

As I said at some point up above, I don’t care what people do with their own money if it brings them joy. I just found it terribly amusing TO ME and MY fiscal and audiophile priorities to see a $1,500 empty box. If you can afford it and it’s the ONE THING that will make your system be exactly how you’d hoped, I hope it brings you a great deal of joy.

The first Peachtree Nova had a space where you could slide a Sonos Connect into it internally. I guess they were ahead of the curve.

Those were pioneered by another user here and he had one made for Paul. Here’s the original post:

McIntosh understands, and embraces, there are those who buy their equipment for its appearance.

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Harley Davidson built an entire side business on that theory.

(Says the guy who just sewed a BMW patch on his riding suit)


Part of my office rig. I’ve had it for more years then I can remember. I restored it a few years back. Paired with a Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna it sounds great.


I adore those Marantz receivers. From the sideways dial to the adorable typefaces, they are unmatched in design and beauty.