Will there be a farewell firmware for the direcstream Memory Drive?

What else ?

Yep, they called it Sunlight. It’s available now.

Sorry, I mixed DAC an Drive. Have changed the title

If you mean DirectStream Memory Player, or DMP for short, it’s doubtful. It’s been asked for previously without much response from PS Audio. They have their hands full with other products so no time for a discontinued product. Of note, the replacement for the DMP, the PST, is also having some firmware issues that they are having difficulty solving. The same folks who would work on DMP are working on PST (and probably other products too), which do you think gets the attention?

Maybe by working on the firmware of the SACD, they will find a good idea also for the DMP

Paul already addressed this in a post. You would need dig to find it. The short answer is no. The original code was developed by a past employee and unfortunately for all users the code could not be rehabilitated. This along with they double whammy of Oppo’s exit of the device and drive business to focus on phones. This left PSAudio sort of stranded in a no win situation. Paul has always been fair and supportive of the owners. Although options are limited if you’re not in the US.


Well, let’s be positive and consider that the current firmware is the “farewell one”
PS I love your dog’s picture

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Thanks, he’s a Spanish Water Dog and lovely company.