Your Next Upgrade? (Part 1)

My next upgrade is a 12 Step Program to try to control the urge to tweak. I am so over it.


Save me a seat.


We would just sit next to each other sobbing and hugging.


Hello… hello…my name is Ron. I’ll try to speak clearly through my blubbering.
I remove my dust cover from my turntable when I play records.
I think it sounds better that way. There…I’ve said it.
I’m a tweaker. I’ve tried to stop but I can’t.
Won’t you please help?
Send money to: Stop Ron Tweaking@ Paypal.Dot
With your help, just some Townsend Seismic Platforms for my speakers and then–with your help–I’ll be done—really.


I have just one more preamp and a streamer to buy.
Then some cool interconnect cables for everything.
Oh and I need a few power cables.
Maybe a fancy network switch.
Oh and a couple of LPS for the various components as I am sure the manufacturers dont know anything about clean power.
Oh and some feet for the speakers.
And some feet for the components.
But I have to build a billet aluminum rack first to hold the components in a vibration free environment.
Then once I get the Super Duper Fuse bug squashed I will be done.
No really done.
I think.

Where was that Audiophile Anonymous meeting at again?


I have a pair of Townsend Platforms. They live in the garage. I have never tried them. I buy tweaks and never use them. The first sign of advanced tweakgoofyguy.


Acknowledge the tweaks that are in your home Is the first step to recovery for you.


Yesterday I found a pair of Siemens CCA 6DJ8/6922 that I forgot about. I broke out in a clammy sweat until I installed them in our Pre.


Must. Resist. Becoming. A. Tweaker.


It’s too late for me. Though I do tweak to a certain plateau and then get lost in the music for quite some time. . . before the jonesing for a new tweak begins again.


That’s the crux of the issue. For some that period is 24 hours… or less.


Yeah but have you changed out your PC/streamer’s internal wiring to Neotech OCC with gold plated molex pins yet? Add it to the list!


Speaking of tweeks. Coming soon:


Wow 3k for a power supply is a lot.

But after my recent experience comparing two psu‘s against each other, just feeding an external hard disk connected to a streamer, I meanwhile have a guess of a PSU”s nfluence. Although the two were of no different class, differences were very obvious just at the hard disk.

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It’s another inexplicable tweak. If I look at the output of a $100 12VDC LPS on a scope, it looks the same as a $650 LPS. But, the $650 LPS somehow sounds better.

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Well if you need someone to take those platforms off your hands, @aangen

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You know those podiums are for big speakers like his Vivid’s. If memory serves they are close to 150lbs.

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I bought a very low noise external power supply to replace the cheap stock one of a hard drive feeding my streamer a couple of days ago. It’s out for delivery right now. I want to see if it will help improve the sound or I’m just wasting my money. It’s the ifi Elite Pro for a few hundred dollars.


This one is recommended by Euphony Audio to pair with their Summus 2 server. I asked them to recommend an LPS, but they told me they liked the sound from the IFI Elite best. It was one-third the cost of the one I considered before.

Let me know what you think because I have not tried other power supplies with the server.

(edit: I did replace the stocked power cord with a one cost more than the PS itself, and it brought the performance to the next level).

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Oh well, always worth asking.

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