Your Next Upgrade? (Part 1)

Next upgrade, improving the stillness of my mind.
Definitely helps to elevate and highten the experience I have while listening to music.
Stereo equipment isn’t the only thing that improves by lowering the noise floor.


Nope, didn’t work with my hard drive, wrong amperage, too strong, had to return to Amazon. Will have to look elsewhere for another right size PSU.

This is so true. I tried the simple step of wearing an eye mask (like for sleeping) to block out light. Terrific difference to relax you more and let you focus.

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That ifi elite pro power supply has great reviews, it’s a switch mode power supply, but according to Hans Beekhuyzen the switch mode power supply’s like these sound better than linear power supplies feeding digital circuits like servers and switches.

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I’m looking at one of these for our new home in Fayetteville. I have the main system upstairs in my loft. I wanted to add a roon ready system in the main living area for ambient listening during entertaining. I really like this. l

I just purchased a used 9/10 Simaudio Moon Ace for my office. It’s my first step in heading towards simplifying some of my systems. I wasn’t looking for an all-in-one, I had been focused on an integrated, but this popped up on my favorite local dealers site and they gave me a good discount off of the asking price. With a phono pre and roon ready to DSD 256 it’s going to eliminate an Amp, Pre, Phono Pre, ultraRendu, LPS, DAC, and all of the associated cabling. I really couldn’t ask for more. Especially since that system is nearfield.

I haven’t owned any Sim gear prior, I am looking forward to using it. I’m picking it up on Saturday, I’ll report back after it’s installed.


I bought an Akiko Tuning USB stick a few weeks ago. I finally found the best use of it. I plugged it into the laptop, burned a few CDs and uploaded Hi-res files into DVD-R. These discs playing through PST sounded exceptionally smooth with tons of details. This is a winner.

Simplifying your system sounds like a clever idea, just think how much you can save on cables and tweaks too.

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I have realized that my hobbies have made our house very complicated. It’s a lot of work to maintain. Years ago, we realized that our yard was so complicated with multiple growing areas including ornamentals, fruit trees and bushes, grapes, multiple veg areas, etc,… that we were spending pretty much every weekend keeping it up. We scaled some of it back, hired a landscaper to do the weeding, mowing, trimming, composting, dead-heading, and leaf removal. That freed us up to do things we wanted to do. Of course, it freed me up to spend time making everything else complicated. Sigh… Full circle.


Funny–been there, done that
No, wait…doing that.


I’m only about 2 years behind on my yard. So I’ve got that going for me…


Being a bunch of ADD junkies it is appropriate that we purposely make every aspect of our lives as extremely complex as possible in the name of simplicity. :frowning_face:


Excellent job! I donated all my business attire after retirement, and I could wear my golf attire 99% of the year. My wife still only wears 10% of hers but I respect her taste plus I was able to grow my audio collections :grin:

Luckily in the Bay Area most houses do not have big yards, and we keep most plants in pots. It is nice to keep the house and yard clean.


…which is nice.”


I added an iFi Purifier3 re-clocker/regenerator to one end of the USB cable, and an AQ jitterbug to the other end and was completely floored by the sound! The OWC sounds way better than my Synology NAS setup. Cost way less too!

Does your HD storage connect to the streamer or router? I use a few Samsung SSD T5/T7 to streamer and the music files sound great to me. I wonder if HD storage would make any difference. But I do not have space on my rack anymore.

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The OWC connects directly to my Esoteric streamer, but the stock USB cable kills the sound. The FrontRow USB cable made all the difference in the world. The iFi and the Jitterbug just really enhances the performance further shooting it pass the NAS in sound quality. I was really surprised it can outperform my NAS which is connected with a WW Platinum Ethernet S8 cable to my SR Ethernet UEF switch. Using the free stock USB cable with the OWC, my NAS sounds much better. Talking about tweaks making a difference. I’ll probably try the Shunyata Omega USB cable next and see what happens.

Once my files increase to Al’s level, I will need either a NAS or HD solution. Sounds like your OWC storage may be a clever way to go and it is easy enough to set up.

But like everything else in this hobby, cables, filters, and other tweaks make a major difference too.


Last night I went to a friend’s house to hear his latest upgrade, a new power cable into his P15, from a Shunyata Sigma NR to an Omega XC.
I heard an immediate and pretty impressive improvement in every aspect of sound.
It’s only money.


That’s what I keep telling myself also. :grinning:

I hear nothing but good things about the new series of Omega cables, they take the excellent Sigma series to another level. Come to think of it, if I try an Omega ethernet cable with the NAS, the tables can turn again.

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