Sorry for a dump question, but it seems it is just a toggle button.
From the setup menu, if I see the “Sine” icon, it means I am using Sine wave or after I press it the system will go to sine wave?
Sorry for a dump question, but it seems it is just a toggle button.
From the setup menu, if I see the “Sine” icon, it means I am using Sine wave or after I press it the system will go to sine wave?
I’ve always assumed that if it says Sine then that’s what’s being produced. Also, I hear a difference between Sine and Multi (and use Multi 6).
I concur with @danofesherintheuk.
When you see Multi above waveform logo, then your device is running in Multi Wave mode. Screen shot above shows you’re using Sine Wave mode which I have been using alongside high regulation because THD is low in my area, but voltage changes are the norm.
Thanks a lot!
You’re welcome. Enjoy the weekend.
It is fun to compare Sine vs. Multi. because they sound a bit different. Lately I have enjoyed Sine more, but I seemed like Multi 4 better a few months ago. I did change a cable and tubes for my BHK. I have no idea was that the reason.
Hey dchang05
For good reference don’t change tubes/ cables nearly or at the same time…
First get a sense of how one affects the sound quality of your system.
Then go on to the next change …
Multiple changes at once confounds determining what affected the sq and
or in what way…
Happy trials n trails
Best wishes
I have a better SQ with sine than multiwave. I am using a tube pre and SS power amp. I tried two setups. First one is a DAC streamer directly to the SS power and sound awesome. Just lacking the warm tone from a tube and having a wide sound stage. Secondly I add a tube pre in between. I got a problem that the mid/low range seems stay in the room longer and can’t disappear fast enough. I need to tune down the volume and sacrifice the small details in the music.
Recently, I change to sine wave and the mid/low is more control. May be my tube pre doesn’t match with the multiwave. I don’t know why, but this is just my experience.
I am not saying the P12 is not good. The regulated sine is much better than bypass it. Just a comparison of sine and multiwave in my setup.
I am using BHK pre & Meridian 857 reference. BHK pre tubes seem to love high regulation and Sine Wave.
Thanks. Let me try. I am using Low Distortion now.
Yep, I seem to have a habit of changing a few things at a time. Now I am going to change from high regulation to low see what effect it will do. I have always stayed at high and my THD is at 0.2% most of the time. I wonder if low setting will change anything on the reading.
I’ve found that my digital equipment (DAC, streamer, radio, etc.) sounds better on MW. My analog stuff (tube phono and tube main preamp R2R, etc.) sounds better on sine.
I run the digital stuff off a PP3, and I run the analog stuff off a PP12. My power amps are straight out of the wall (shielded 12ga cable with High Fidelity magnetic conditioners)
This represents YEARS of futzing around
A while ago I preferred Sine wave, but I changed to Multiwave 4 and listened to it for a month. Then I switched back to Sine and it did not sound good, not even on the next day. But I stuck with it for three more weeks, and now I cannot stand Multi wave again.
It is possible it takes a long time for these different settings to settle in, but more likely my brain has accustomed to these subtle changes and used to it. So, I still do not know if there is a best setting for the generator. I am sure during various times of the day one setting may be optimal, but I will never know based on my experience.
Is it possible when you had it on Multiwave 4 and then you started tweaking and tuning your system to Mutiwave 4 until it sounded really good, then Sine Wave doesn’t sound as good anymore? The same the other way around? I find either way is good, I slightly prefer Multiwave 4, so I just leave it at that and forget about it.
Oh, it was certainty that I tweaked the system during each phase and found something I liked in each setting. I predict I will still be confused as to which one I like in the not-so-near future.
For the time being I am settling on Sine, and I thought the sound is great, or not.
Welcome back to Sine comfortable world Donald! You know I prefer SineWave without any doubt also during last tweaks.
Edit: I’m flaunting conviction just to help you make the decision
Sine world is beautiful for this week anyway, and I hope I will stay here for a while
I checked and I was a little surprise my setting on my P20 is Mutiwave 6. I did a comparison before, but it was so long ago I forgot what setting I had it on. I just did a bunch of Sine wave and Multiwave comparisons now and I find in my system, Sine wave has slighter sharper images, but it thins it out a bit also. Multiwave forms and separates the images better. I also compare Multiwave 4 to Multiwave 6 and I like 6 better. It has a slightly more richness to the sound. If I had to choose between Mutiwave 4 or Sine wave, I would choose Sine for the slightly sharper presentation. But I like Mutiwave 6 over Sine wave similar to I like M-1 over Purple fuse, although the difference is not as pronounced. Just throwing it out there, YMMV.
Your experience has reconfirmed my theory. When you listen to a particular setting whether it is Sine or one of the multi. for some time. Switching back and forth with other settings within a brief period would more likely result in the original setting being the preference.
You might try listening to a different setting for a few weeks, and then switch back to Mult. 6 to see if you still prefer it. My experience tells me any setting could be the preference once you are used to listening to it for a while. In other words, I have no idea which setting is the best, and it may not matter at all.
You may be right, I should give it more time and with more music to settle on a setting. I did spend all day on Sine today with vinyl and digital files, and did get a good feel the difference from my original Multiwave 6 setting. I felt the sound with the Sine was very powerful, but lost a bit of ease and substance. I will give it more time as you suggest.