Am I using Sine wave or Multiwave?

Sorry for a dump question, but it seems it is just a toggle button.

From the setup menu, if I see the “Sine” icon, it means I am using Sine wave or after I press it the system will go to sine wave?


I’ve always assumed that if it says Sine then that’s what’s being produced. Also, I hear a difference between Sine and Multi (and use Multi 6).


I concur with @danofesherintheuk.
When you see Multi above waveform logo, then your device is running in Multi Wave mode. Screen shot above shows you’re using Sine Wave mode which I have been using alongside high regulation because THD is low in my area, but voltage changes are the norm.


Thanks a lot!

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You’re welcome. Enjoy the weekend.

It is fun to compare Sine vs. Multi. because they sound a bit different. Lately I have enjoyed Sine more, but I seemed like Multi 4 better a few months ago. I did change a cable and tubes for my BHK. I have no idea was that the reason.

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Hey dchang05

For good reference don’t change tubes/ cables nearly or at the same time…
First get a sense of how one affects the sound quality of your system.

Then go on to the next change …

Multiple changes at once confounds determining what affected the sq and
or in what way…

Happy trials n trails

Best wishes

I have a better SQ with sine than multiwave. I am using a tube pre and SS power amp. I tried two setups. First one is a DAC streamer directly to the SS power and sound awesome. Just lacking the warm tone from a tube and having a wide sound stage. Secondly I add a tube pre in between. I got a problem that the mid/low range seems stay in the room longer and can’t disappear fast enough. I need to tune down the volume and sacrifice the small details in the music.

Recently, I change to sine wave and the mid/low is more control. May be my tube pre doesn’t match with the multiwave. I don’t know why, but this is just my experience.

I am not saying the P12 is not good. The regulated sine is much better than bypass it. Just a comparison of sine and multiwave in my setup.

I am using BHK pre & Meridian 857 reference. BHK pre tubes seem to love high regulation and Sine Wave.

Thanks. Let me try. I am using Low Distortion now.

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Yep, I seem to have a habit of changing a few things at a time. Now I am going to change from high regulation to low see what effect it will do. I have always stayed at high and my THD is at 0.2% most of the time. I wonder if low setting will change anything on the reading.

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I’ve found that my digital equipment (DAC, streamer, radio, etc.) sounds better on MW. My analog stuff (tube phono and tube main preamp R2R, etc.) sounds better on sine.

I run the digital stuff off a PP3, and I run the analog stuff off a PP12. My power amps are straight out of the wall (shielded 12ga cable with High Fidelity magnetic conditioners)

This represents YEARS of futzing around :wink:

A while ago I preferred Sine wave, but I changed to Multiwave 4 and listened to it for a month. Then I switched back to Sine and it did not sound good, not even on the next day. But I stuck with it for three more weeks, and now I cannot stand Multi wave again.

It is possible it takes a long time for these different settings to settle in, but more likely my brain has accustomed to these subtle changes and used to it. So, I still do not know if there is a best setting for the generator. I am sure during various times of the day one setting may be optimal, but I will never know based on my experience.

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Is it possible when you had it on Multiwave 4 and then you started tweaking and tuning your system to Mutiwave 4 until it sounded really good, then Sine Wave doesn’t sound as good anymore? The same the other way around? I find either way is good, I slightly prefer Multiwave 4, so I just leave it at that and forget about it.

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Oh, it was certainty that I tweaked the system during each phase and found something I liked in each setting. I predict I will still be confused as to which one I like in the not-so-near future.

For the time being I am settling on Sine, and I thought the sound is great, or not.

Welcome back to Sine comfortable world Donald! You know I prefer SineWave without any doubt also during last tweaks.

Edit: I’m flaunting conviction just to help you make the decision


Sine world is beautiful for this week anyway, and I hope I will stay here for a while :wink:


I checked and I was a little surprise my setting on my P20 is Mutiwave 6. I did a comparison before, but it was so long ago I forgot what setting I had it on. I just did a bunch of Sine wave and Multiwave comparisons now and I find in my system, Sine wave has slighter sharper images, but it thins it out a bit also. Multiwave forms and separates the images better. I also compare Multiwave 4 to Multiwave 6 and I like 6 better. It has a slightly more richness to the sound. If I had to choose between Mutiwave 4 or Sine wave, I would choose Sine for the slightly sharper presentation. But I like Mutiwave 6 over Sine wave similar to I like M-1 over Purple fuse, although the difference is not as pronounced. Just throwing it out there, YMMV.

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Your experience has reconfirmed my theory. When you listen to a particular setting whether it is Sine or one of the multi. for some time. Switching back and forth with other settings within a brief period would more likely result in the original setting being the preference.

You might try listening to a different setting for a few weeks, and then switch back to Mult. 6 to see if you still prefer it. My experience tells me any setting could be the preference once you are used to listening to it for a while. In other words, I have no idea which setting is the best, and it may not matter at all.

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You may be right, I should give it more time and with more music to settle on a setting. I did spend all day on Sine today with vinyl and digital files, and did get a good feel the difference from my original Multiwave 6 setting. I felt the sound with the Sine was very powerful, but lost a bit of ease and substance. I will give it more time as you suggest.