Any experience with Wilson Sabrina?

Happy Cake Day!

Kinda, sorta cool looking. What color has stolen your heart?

11K is above the going used rate but barley broken in…


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JS Audio has a pair of black ones used. JS Audio HiFi Specials - Google Sheets

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The Music Room also has a pair.

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Let’s just cut to the chase for those who may not be aware of the HiFiShark Search Feature:

Wilson Audio Sabrina

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I would go TMR and hit up Nick for a bit off of asking price. I have seen them go for 10.5 and that seems fair for the original. Mine were Desert Silver as well. Easy on the eyes


I agree if not buying local as originally planned with the current state of the shipping industry I would have more faith in the packing and warranty from TMR than a private seller.

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I can personally vouch for TMR. They take the utmost care in packaging and shipping.
They are also very lax on their return window (like PSA is) but you have to pay the return freight.


There’s a certain amount of prestige or cachet
with owning certain brands of audio gear, like Wilson Audio. But I’ve found out over the years that many times the real jewels, and often times the best bang for the buck, come from smaller less known companies. And part of what I enjoy about this hobby, is discovering those hidden jewels.