Sounds like a well thought out or highly evolved system.
Lots of tinkering with lateral moves over the past few years, but after the last few changes, things finally feel nicely dialed in.
Some might say my speaker change last year was a downgrade (Harbeth 30.2 XD previously), but these Forte IV’s are so much more engaging. At low volume they just envelope you. It’s crazy.
I lusted after Forte’s in my youth.
Never owned a pair…
Klipsch are an understated bargain if you have room for them.
Sounds like you are in a happy place. No need to move.
Klipsh is a great bargin. After Dyn and Wilson i now have Cornwall IVs snugly placed in my room with tube power (always wanted to try that) and have been good with no changes for over a year.
This year for fun i may go back to a planer as i have owned a few but not a Maggie. The valves may struggle but the Rose wont and one thing we are never short of in this hobby is options!
In fact not long ago i had Fortes and planers. Very different sounds but thats the fun part.
Same thoughts on my CW IVs. I do a lot of early morning listening at low volume. I have no idea why these speakers sound so good at low levels but they do.
I had Magnepan .7’s for a few years, and liked them. But they just didn’t look right in my living room, and my downstairs space was too small for them. Sold them to a local guy, and kinda wanted to get 'em back, but he’d moved them on before I had the chance!
“Are you ever satisfied?”
Short answer…Yes.
Not intending to be derogatory, yet it seems unlikely that the best position for the dynamic and planar (CLS?) speakers handily don’t overlap. Aren’t you compromising one, or both?
“Are you ever satisfied?”
No. But I think that I could be.
If only…
I’m sitting here listening to Coltrane Ballads, 45 rpm and I’m thinking: shut up idiot, be grateful.
Glorious sound.
Ron if you are typing while listening you are not giving it its due.
Finally got around to watching this video. My system is modest at best and my house is small, but I always feel satisfied when I watch videos like this and the guy, and it’s always a guy, says things like he had an hour and a half to spare so he swapped out hundreds of pounds of gear at someone else’s house, then listened— all in that hour and a half. Then I think I want that kind of time management along with bigger biceps, and then I realize how satisfied I am.
I’m away from my system for two weeks and I miss it a lot. Funny thing is when I am gone, I’m totally satisfied with it and love the SQ, so I have no desire to change anything.
Then I checked into this forum, and I have a M-2 fuse waiting for me at home. I’m about to step back into a dangerous field with tons of rabbit holes again.
I am not just satisfied. I am grateful for the system I have built over the years. I have decided not to get too involved with fuses and cables. My system is well balanced as it is.
OMG! did I write that last post 11 days ago? I need to get out of the house more often to escape my predicament.
I just spent over $1k on some water molecules control thing, and I am about to spend $1k more on a new set of footers (after another set of footers barely one week in the system). I am thinking I need another crazy cable and a new streamer too (has current one made one year anniversary yet?).
My new speakers are sounding fantastic! There’s something wrong with my brain
I looked up this thread because. . . as unsatisfied as I am about some aspects of my life, I have never been more satisfied with my audio systems. (And this is tempered by the realization I cannot afford the sort of upgrades others here can).
I’ve almost always had an upgrade hope or plan. . . but I’m at a loss for one for my main system now. And I’ve come to the rational conclusion that my two other systems are darned well better than they have to be, mainly due to improvements from isolation and power items that have trickled down from my main system.
One important factor was moving to the Decware SEWE300B which is a fantastic amp in all ways and the bump in power output had really solved any issues I had with the interaction of my previous amp with my treasured HR-1 speakers. Finding just the right tube complement for this amp has been an educational process and has yielded a rich balanced sound.
The Verafi Audio products I incorporated this year have been the icing on my satisfaction cake. The Swiss Digital Fuse Boxes that I have added have really given me the sort of revelation that others with far deeper pockets are finding with the new PZ thing. This was sealed with a kiss by moving to Graphene Sluggos in all three components connected to the Fuse Boxes–this Sluggo takes a week or so to settle but it is clearly the top of the heap and really delivers with vivid imaging and a dynamic signature that inches one closer to “reality” in the presentation. And the MainStream and Snubway have put the final touches on my electrical “cleanliness next to godliness”. . . .
With the invaluable tools of the P15’s settings and the ability to fine tune by “riding the gain” between my DSD Mk II, Decware ZBIT and ZROCK2 and SEWE300B. . . I can dial in excellent sound.
I’m so happy with my audio setups.