As a comparative audio show point, I just came back from FLAX 2022. I’m vaccinated and boosted, and go masked (real 3M N95s) when interacting with the public because of my compromised health. But I went anyway as I tend to be quite careful. I would say less than 15% of the total attendance (exhibitors and show goers) were wearing any sort of protective gear. In reality it was probably more like 10%. I’m not suggesting folks not go to AXPONA, but if this is any sort of benchmark then I’d say proceed with caution. I skipped CAF as I didn’t want to go to two large scale events so close together, so I don’t know how that was.
Not surprising - hell it’s Florida (no offense, FL). Good choice w n95 and stay safe! Pretty much everywhere now seems to be lifting covid restrictions but let’s stick to Axpona in this thread and just be glad it’s on (for now anyway)
I’ll admit it was nice to finally be back at a show. I missed them. Going to miss AXPONA this year, but that has more to do with my (supposed) kitchen install date than anything else.
Why would I ask one of our team members to subject themselves to CoViD from the thousand or more people that come in the room without a mask or guarantee they’ve been vaccinated? Also, it takes a team to setup our booth. It’s big with many parts. And it takes a team to run it.
We have no intention of putting any of our team at risk. That’s just plum nuts if you ask me.
I’m not saying you should. I respect the choice. Maybe next time, as I said.
This thread is (or at least was intended to be) about those companies or forum members that will be or are hoping to be at Axpona 2022
Thanks for the understanding. And just also imagine how awful we would feel if one of our team members inadvertently had it and infected hundreds, perhaps thousands of visitors to our room. I would never want that on my conscience.
I’ll be there at least one day. It’s only 20 miles from my house.
From the outside looking in, being a Leader can appear to be easy. Some days it is, and other days there’s a certain weight to it that requires forethought, empathy, and the willingness to do the right thing. Even if it means the decision is not popular to the outsiders looking in…or maybe even your own Team.
I dig your style Mr. McGowan.
From a recent email I received from Steve he will be demonstrating the Perfect Vinyl Forever Archival 3 process at Axpona… You are correct as his system will be comprised of the Vandersteen VLR-CT speakers, Audio Research preamp and amp, AMG Viella turntable and Hana Umami MC. It should be fun. I am undecided if I will attend as the end of April is a way off. Being that it is in my back yard a last minute decision should not be difficult.
I am not certain if Ultra Fidelis will be exhibiting this year. I’ll check with Jonathon when I see him Saturday. In the past he has exhibited Vandersteens. The last time it was the Kentos and the exhibit was considered to be one of the better sounding ones IMO as well as many others in attendance. Robert Harley who sat next to me was most impressed with the Kentos on exhibit.
He conveyed this to me as we were trading emails on how best to weak my in home vinyl cleaning process. I’ll share his thought in that thread.
Good specific experience that is helpful in our decision making regarding our decision to attend AXPONA. It would be nice to be able to return to the pre-COVID days, but such is life. I do find your example disheartening, and agree a measure of caution is in order. AS I have said my decision to attend will depend on the circumstances immediately prior to the Convention.
If I go, and is still an if at this point, I will most likely limit time spent there to certain rooms that I really want to see/hear. As I type this I am reminded of the crazy-crowded elevator rides and the (what used to bring a smile to my face) (wonderfully) crowded hallways. But Axpona will be a last minute decision for me as well.
No one should ever go outside ever again…
I am not opposed as long as I have my audio gear and the grocery continues to deliver.
Oh yeah, my Wife and dog as well.
What happens if covid never goes away?
Satan wins!
Most manufacturers come for you
It won’t ever go away. It’s now part of the group of human diseases like the flu or the cold. The difference is that once enough of the population gets properly vaccinated and the pandemic is finally under control (and not killing thousands a day), we will be able to put this one to the side as we have the others and life goes back to “normal”. Thank the lucky stars this one wasn’t something like Ebola, Smallpox, Yellow Fever, or the influenza strain of the 1900s. We’re really fortunate that medicine has advanced enough to handle some of these.
We’ll bo alright. We expect one more variant, probably in March, and hopefully that’ll be the last. Once it recedes into the “noise factor” of the human condition we can feel safe again.
Thanks. To be an effective leader (as defined by the evidence of people wanting to be a part of the group being lead), one must have a strong point of view coupled with an eagerness to learn from others, and a gentle, generous heart.
I don’t always live up to expectations but I try. And, at the end of the day, when I fall my team’s there to pick me up.
Viewing the list of exhibitors by brand, now up to 274 manufacturers will be at the show!
I think after a couple years off that people are ready to see and hear the new audio gear, and the manufacturers and dealers that have flourished in the last two years as home audio has had a renaissance are ready to unveil what they have and meet the demand. Pretty exciting. Hoping to go if family commitments permit
What I noticed on the brands list is most the brands are being represented by other companies, guessing stores that sell the products. Is that usually the case? I thought brands teamed up and sent reps there. Never been to one, but want to hit NYC show later this year if all goes well.