Can’t Find Air Lens on Spotify

Up until recently I could easily find both of my AirLenses on my Spotify app. I’ve got the latest App version and both AL’s have the new F/W,
Roon plays on both.

Anyone else dealing with this ?

Try re-booting the system from the router forward including both of the AirLens.

How do you boot tha AL, turning on and off ?

Yes, turn the whole streaming chain including the router off and the re-boot them all one at a time starting at the router and moving forward. Don’t forget the control point either.

Is the control point my sonic transporter server ?

iPad, iPhone, etc. Also check and make sure there are no Spotify updates.

Thanks for sharing. It helps me a lot.

So what would be the correct order for router-SonicTransporter-two AirLens-iPad- iPhone ?

That’s it for turning it back on.

One more and I’ll be ready to start, should I wait for each to restart before going to the next and should they be turned off before starting .

Decided I would try (I didn’t use this last question) and was able to get my bedroom AL working with Spotify again. The other AL still needs the new PSA F/W so hopefully that’s why it’s not showing. Thanks for your help !!

dawkinsj, could you explain why was all this necessary


Multiple possibilities. Updated software from Spotify, Apple, Android or simply just a temporary blip in your internet service. The later is more likely when using Wi-Fi or Mesh units instead of hard wired directly into main units. I have a Holo Red in a secondary system and like the AirLens is running strictly as a UPnP endpoint. Sometimes for no discernable reason it just loses contact with the internet and needs rebooting. Sometimes it works by just re-booting the Red and sometimes the whole chain. You can be prepared for it to happen again but now you know how to resolve it. And in answer to your earlier question about turn on, yes let one device re-boot before moving to the next one.

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Yeah we have a 5 router mesh system