Dead Zone

I’m going to try this again.


Why does your moderator Elk keep deleting my posts?

I think Dan, asked some simple yes/no questions which were directed to Ted(which Ted answered), and I posted a comment that Elk didn’t answer Dan’s questions(post 182), and that post got deleted as was my follow-up post.

Is this an open forum, or does Elk control the discussion?

Do I need to get his permission before I ask a question or post a comment?

This is an open forum and you do not need to get Elk’s approval before posting. I missed what’s going on here, apparently, and apologize.

I am not sure why anything was done and not sure Elk is doing it. He’s been quite good at moderating. I’ve seen him remove posts that are offensive and I’ve seen him move posts that are off topic to an area where they’re on topic. I certainly haven’t seen anything else as you’re describing.

Can you repeat the question?

I think Dan was giving feedback on the initial release of DS’ sonics. Unfortunately when one gives feedback one has to get past a mental threshold and post something, which Elk may have interpreted as an offense, especially if many of us were raving about DS and Dan didn’t agree, and that put Dan on the defensive and he may have railed against DS even more. And that may have rubbed Elk the wrong way, and it may have wound up, like my Mom says, a ‘pissing contest with a skunk.’

But this is the way feedback comes in from the customers, and if we never got it, then Ted would not have been aware and could not have made 1.2.1 So it all works out for the best in the long run. We have to take the feedback for what it is: feedback. And not get everyone mad at each other in the process otherwise we’d never understand how we can make the product better. Remember we all want the same thing: damn good sound.

So when the feedback comes in, please place all egos in check and root out the real nature of the OP’s comment so Ted can fix it.

My $.02


+1. Well said, SSW.

Agreed, very well said.

As to the issue at hand:

I delete only those posts which are offensive and/or with the sole purpose of harassing or disparaging another member. Edits are almost always limited to deleting unnecessary quoted material.

You will note Dan’s post remains, untouched, which asks about the new firmware and its impact on what he describes as hiss and an issue with the mute function. As Ted subsequently notes, Dan’s idiosyncratic issue with his particular amp has already been discussed - but there is no harm in doing so again.

Now to the bigger issue:

Dan and Jap are the same person. As here, “Jap” typically posts to support Dan’s complaints, to “thank” him for his posts, and to provide Dan with a presence, even though Dan repeatedly stated he would not be back.

When “Jap” posts solely to be unpleasant, his posts get deleted. If Dan as Jap posts constructively, I leave the posts alone.

I have tried to isolate the rest of you from this nonsense, but there is only so much I can control. I do not want to ban Dan and have repeatedly encouraged him to constructively participate.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

I think it could also be due to misunderstandings.

If you visit a hot thread with a lot of strong opinions and evolving dynamics you might easily think that the associated product is flawed and forum filled with problematic topics. In this case the frequent firmware upgrades had little to do with critical bug fixes and extinguishing fires but more related to tweaking/enhancements in SQ. So this is a strenght and not a weak point for the DS, IMO.

When "Jap" posts solely to be unpleasant, his posts get deleted. If Dan as Jap posts constructively, I leave the posts alone.

I agree with this - I felt the posts were intentionally inflammatory, and one seems to follow along behind the other compounding the effect.

I bitched a lot about a couple things on the DS, (it could be said I even diverted a thread a or two! LOL) but I tried to do it constructively, and I felt my bitching was actually well received and responded to appropriately.

I don’t expect, nor would I want to come here if this place was all rainbows and unicorns; however I also don’t want to have to suffer through thinly veiled jabs followed by YEAH, what he said!!

Sorry, I don’t mean to beleaguer the point, just agreeing that I thought it was handled quite well.

Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

During my 3 year tenure we tended to let the general forum tone show newcomers (occasionally aggressively expressing in their own personal and habitual manner) that we are a pretty friendly bunch and our lack of policing post by post enabled them to settle in to our rhythm or move on if we chose not to do battle on THEIR terms.

it worked pretty well. In fact, the only posts I ever deleted were posted by ELK when I suggested that his "personalized expressions of LOVE migh be better suited on a PM. I never did get a PM but look at the fine young man he has turned out to be. It would have been a shame to lose him as a forum contributor especially since I earmarked him around the same time as my successor.

i say let Dan/Jap post and perhaps when he re-reads them and our lack of reaction he might just wake up and run for president some day.

Enjoy the music and have fun.


gordon said . . . the only posts I ever deleted were posted by ELK when I suggested that his "personalized expressions of LOVE migh be better suited on a PM.
I had forgotten about this. But I am lousy at nurturing and feeding grudges. One of my many failings.

I would not have taken your course of action as the posts merely expressed disagreement with your views. However, it was your call at the time - and not even vaguely worth re-hashing at this point.

That is:

He He

Tom and I could not agree more.

By the way, the UPS girl has been a member since 2012.


I appreciate the reports you cited of those going to the shows enjoying them. One would hope so; they voluntarily signed up to go. Those who go witness Miley Cyrus are similarly delirious. Go figure.

Again, YMMV and you are free to be impressed with a dabbler. I am not; I possess little taste for pablum.

We simply have very different taste. Let’s leave it at that.

(By the way, shouting does not make a statement more valid - just like playing his music does not make it better. 24_gif)

No problem Huck’ aint you finished that fence yet?

Actually, to be fair, I spent 2 summers living in St Bernard Parisha and waiting tables in the French Quarters. Ate enough crawdaddies n listened to live music, most of them [musicians] never reached any studio but the passion was amazing and connecting. For anyone who does enjoy pablum, check out the PBS DVD of his concert n have some fun.

Pablum, actually, was invented by a Canadian lumberjack and it is one of our favorite foods when camping in our igloos.


Here ya go-

You might have to join but it’s free [ unotelly]

Unotelly also lets you watch news stories that FOX won’t show.

Elk said I appreciate the reports you cited of those going to the shows enjoying them. One would hope so; they voluntarily signed up to go. Those who go witness Miley Cyrus are similarly delirious. Go figure.

Again, YMMV and you are free to be impressed with a dabbler. I am not; I possess little taste for pablum.

We simply have very different taste. Let’s leave it at that.

(By the way, shouting does not make a statement more valid - just like playing his music does not make it better. )

WTF Elk! I hope you’re joking, and if not don’t dis others taste.

giggle_gifHe will mellow with time and after he reads a few of his own posts. Give him time.

we pray for him at our house.

gordon said Ate enough crawdaddies n listened to live music, most of them [musicians] never reached any studio but the passion was amazing and connecting.
Yes, there is a great deal of excellent music in New Orleans, as well as the Mississippi delta.
we pray for him at our house.
Please don't waste your energy. Instead, put your time into something productive; I am one of the least superstitious people you will ever meet. And I would hate to have my Wa or musical tastes disturbed.
woot said I hope you're joking, and if not don't dis others taste.
Sorry, but if you post an opinion it is fair game. But stick to comments on the music - do not take shots at each other personally.

As I often observe, YMMV; it is perfectly fine to have very different taste. Someone expressing an opinion contrary to yours should not be threatening to one’s own beliefs. Nor is it an excuse to attack another.

It is just like stating preferences for alternate PWD or DS firmware. Everyone hears different things and values different aspects of sound. I do not care a whit for PRaT, but this should not threaten the toe-tappers. Others do not share my obsession with timbrel accuracy and microdynamics. This is absolutely and completely fine.

Note, I left Yawny alone; too easy of a target. :)

"Sorry, but if you post an opinion it is fair game. But stick to comments on the music – do not take shots at each other personally.

As I often observe, YMMV; it is perfectly fine to have very different taste. Someone expressing an opinion contrary to yours should not be threatening to one’s own beliefs. Nor is it an excuse to attack another.

It is just like stating preferences for alternate PWD or DS firmware. Everyone hears different things and values different aspects of sound. I do not care a whit for PRaT, but this should not threaten the toe-tappers. Others do not share my obsession with timbrel accuracy and microdynamics. This is absolutely and completely fine.

Note, I left Yawny alone; too easy of a target. :)"

If you can’t say anything nice, shutty. Let people post without being flamed.

To what precisely are you objecting in my post? What portion is offensive?

Exactly who am I flaming in this post?

Or do you merely dislike my opinion? You are very welcome to disagree, but why the demand to shut up?

On precisely this same topic (opinions expressed on music), is Tony22 crossing some sort of propriety line with his comments regarding music being used to audition a high end DAC in the discussion of RMAF? I do not believe so, but if you do - what is wrong with him expressing his opinion?

Edit: I just reviewed the thread. I assume you have noted that, unlike Gordon, I do not engage in name calling, do not comment on my perception of another’s maturity (or lack thereof), do not claim others lack self-perception, do not offer to pray for them, etc.

Do you find Gordon’s negative personal comments appropriate?


Will you dare to post a pic of the UpS person that picks it up?devil_gifdevil_gifdevil_gif

Dare…? No Problemo…4_gif Just waiting for Mr. Chip-On-My-Shoulder to remove it. 65_gif


What happened to her? Right after “approval” she disappeared. I had the same problem at our old country house where food kept disappearing from the table. It sorta spoiled the fun of sitting down and enjoying a good-ole meal together. Turned out to be a 4 legged critter with not much else to do. We did a capture n release so “no animals were harmed” during the process.