DMP 3.14 released

Thank You for the welcome!!
I will go ahead and follow the method to update it.
I shall return.

Darn you Mark! :slight_smile:

I know lonson!!! but it is what it is.:grin:

Okay I havenā€™t completely wrapped my mind around all thatā€™s going on with the new update, but my general impression is, 3.14 is to the DMP what Snowmass was to the DSD. First thing I noticed was a substantial increase in bottom end grunt and impact. It also sounds like the noise floor has been lowered, as Iā€™m hearing more subtle details than before. Iā€™ll need more time to sort the rest out, but damn this is the most substantial update my DMP has received since I purchased it. Thank you Paul and everyone at PS Audio!

Now can someone please explain to me how this update to the transport can make so much difference in the sound, I mean itā€™s all just 1ā€™s and 0ā€™s right?

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You know I was joking, thanks for weighing in. I trust your ears and ordered a card.

Yes Lonsonā€¦I know you were jokingā€¦hence the big grin.:grin:Now for the waitā€¦:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Gary,notice how the increased image details seem to float to the surface of the soundscape as if they were totally untethered from the stage. Awesome stuffā€¦

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It seems unusual that cleaning up code for bug fixes that are unrelated to sonics would have an impact on the sound, but, for me, it has. The DMP now has a blacker background and better instrument localization. Maybe not on par with the Snowmass upgrade but a significant one at that. Maybe we can lobby PSA to keep this unit in the upgrade path like the DAC.

Iā€™m not sure itā€™s on par with Snowmass, but itā€™s definitely the most significant firmware upgrade my DMP has received thus far. Itā€™s even more obvious listening now late at night. This update is really quite special.

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The unit response quicker in terms of operation.
SQ improved as well, it just keep getting better.
BTW, it was free, love it.

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I preferred Snowmass v1 with DMP 3.13 has anyone who preferred v1 tried v2 with the new 3.14 ? I very much like 3.14

Not at all. The micro-processing resources are being utilized more efficiently in a cleaner code. Less wasted effort, better sound.

No, itā€™s not just 1ā€™s and 0ā€™s. The precision of the timing in the delivery of those 1ā€™s and 0ā€™s is critical to the sound.

So the improved code mustā€™ve lowered the jitter.
Wonder if itā€™s measurable?

I downloaded it even though I had no operational issues.
I hear no difference at all. Next rainy day, maybe Iā€™ll go back and forth once just to listen.

Some of us do not have a resolving enough system to hear that, I guessā€¦ On mine, I thought, 3.13 sounded a bit nicer than 3.10, but Iā€™m not really sure of that, itā€™s not night and dayā€¦ To be honest, I donā€™t care much about improvements in SQ at this time, because first of all, I want my DMP running more reliably. But since the DSD downsampling bug, that was introduced in 3.13, hasnā€™t been addressed in 3.14, I have to skip this version and keep 3.10. This bug is a major one for users of non-PS Audio DACs! We may be a minority, but please fix it as soon as possibleā€¦

Ok, tried putting in the 3.14 in last night , 3X is it in? Donā€™t know.
Followed all instructions (pretty easy) no blinky light at restart/reinitialize.
I donā€™t think it went in. Shouldnā€™t have to force install anything. If it boots like a computer DMP scanned the drive and installs.
How do you tell it goes in? Numbers are the same as I listed in my above
Although after playing I think Iā€™m hearing more air and detail, geeze lots of punch always lots of punch anyway. May be wishful thinking it went in?

If the light didnā€™t blink upon rebooting, and the numbers are the same, the new firmware update didnā€™t take.

I figured. How do you get it in?

I noticed almost immediately everything I mentioned in my post.It was hard not to notice. Of courseā€¦ymmv