Make sure you’re using the right file if you are doing the video way:
If you’re using the image.bin it may not update. Also, try powering the unit off completely from the back switch before attempting the firmware update
Make sure you’re using the right file if you are doing the video way:
If you’re using the image.bin it may not update. Also, try powering the unit off completely from the back switch before attempting the firmware update
I’ve done both yet it doesn’t seem to work. It’s okay that I did the FPGA update before the firmware update right?
It does load the new firmware it just restarts normally instead of blinking for awhile.
Thanks again.
I must have messed something up because I’ve tried the update with two different thumb drives and have gotten this message both time.
Try a different thumb drive, please. I had the same. In any case format it as fat32.
Don’t know why, but the MK2 is picky on what drives to accept.
Thanks but I’ve tried the only two that I have.
Sorry to hear!
Ordering one pre installed at PSA is an option. That should work.
I have the same issue.I ordered the pre-loaded USB from PS Audio.
Wouldn’t you know that with a drawer full of flash drives, I picked a lousy one. After formatting, the files copied over fine. But the update process timed out with the dsdmk2 _3.2.1.bin file (there were actually two, the other one appearing as _dsdmk2_3.2.1.bin - ?!), so the Blue Sky file didn’t take.
I finally chose another flash drive, formatted and copied, and everything worked (logo blinking like crazy this time). Remote control still works fine, too.
FYI, the thumb drive has to be in a FAT32 file format. Most drives bigger than 32gb are EXFAT. Here’s a video on how to format a thumbdrive to FAT32:
User beware…If you format incorrectly the thumb drive you are using may become corrupt and not work.
Sometimes it’s the simplest of solutions…did you do a fresh format on each drive and eject them correctly?
I received an email today about Blue Sky FW is available; did anyone try the new updates yet?
Update went smoothly and I can tell you: it’s awesome indeed!
Burning in those new channels on the fpga and the MK2 is sounding better by the hour.
Everything as promised.
I had this happen once when I had both 3.1.0 and 3.2.1 bin files on the root directory of the thumb drive (along with image.bin). When I removed the 3.1.0 bin file from the root directory, it properly updated to 3.2.1.
I noticed that I am running 3.1.0. Can I go from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1, or is there an intermediate step?
I just tried to order the thumb drive from PS Audio but it appears to be sold out now.
I went directly from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1.
Yeah, I’m not sure what the problem is. I could update the FPGA easily enough. I tried formatting two different usb drives as FAT32 with no other files except dsdmk2_v3.2.1.bin and it still gives me the same issues as jkbunnell had before a different flash drive worked for him.
I’d also like to try a PS Audio drive but it does look like it’s sold out. Could I order the Mount Massive drive with Mount Blue Sky files on it? Thanks
Using Method 2, the FPGA update went smoothly (though the version reports as ‘239-Internal’), but I get a TIMEOUT ERROR when trying to update the firmware from 3.1.3 to 3.2.1. (This happened on three different drives formatted as FAT32. Doing a full format instead of a quick format didn’t help.) I’m using the exact files indicated in the video and powered the unit off with the back switch before inserting the thumb drive.
OK, now I’ve tried yet another thumb drive, formatted it to FAT32, unzipped the two files listed by Aaron in the video above and copied them to my thumb drive and I’m still getting the message that ‘USB drive not found’.
I installed multiple updates to my DSD MK I (when I had it) without a problem, but this one has me flummoxed.
My 10 yrs+ old 8 gb drive works the best for MK2 updates, and none of my fancy USB drives worked. The special USB was marked with “DSMK2”, and I kept it in a sacret place.
On the second day the SQ from PST/MK2 is quite amazing! Every musician moved behind the speakers now, and they removed all the veils and spiderwebs in front of their instruments!
Bravo Ted and PSA! I will put on the “Blue Sky” CD and enjoy a glass of splendid whisky that I saved for a special occasion!
Streaming through MU2 and Muon Pro will have to wait for a few days.