Fuse upgrade for P12

Hi Leory! From the back of the P12, pull out the old fuse and stick the SR Orange fuse R end first with S end facing you and you are set. Please be aware some of us do go through the process of reversing the direction just to see which way they like more. I am lazy and don’t bother since the correct direction sounds so good already.
Give it some time to break in and happy listening!!


My P12 and P3 instantly fell in love with Audio Magic Bee Wax fuses, as did my ears. My wallet, though, is still cussing me out. Why, oh why, does meaningful tweaking have to be so expensive??


Somebody has to pay for R&D and the admission price for
an E ride ticket …

Are you volunteering to pay it for me??? PLEASE!!!

Who me ? Naw keep looking
Keep dreaming…

As Perry Como sang, Dream on, little dreamer, dream on.

Yes, although I have an SR Blue in my P15, all my other fuses are Audio Magic Super. I really like them! I even have one in my Ultimate Outlet.

It’s funny. The first audiophile fuse I bought was to prove that they didn’t work. Damn, I was so VERY wrong. Grrrrrrrr!!! Now, I’m friggin’ addicted.


SR or Audio Magic better for P12? Or can’t go wrong w/ either?

I have compared the SR Orange with the Beeswax Ultimate Premier in my P20 and it really is no contest! Beeswax winner all the way!! But unfortunate is the cost. Otherwise, I would put Beeswax in everything! Orange is still much better than stock though and better than the SR Blues I use before.


Hi waymanchen…

Help me out some here please. Could you please elucidate (hard to
put in words I know) how the beeswax is better than the orange fuse?

The differences say in dynamics, details, attacks, decays, spatial

Thanks for giving it a go…

Let me put it this way. The Beeswax let you hear a little better micro details like textures and ambient information. The SR Orange slightly more veil sounding. The stock fuse even worst.


Well done !! Thanks…you made it simple and I appreciate it…

This fuse thing is about as contagious as tube rolling… :smiley: :smile:

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Fuses can have a profound effect on the sound, in some places more than others. The SR Orange I put in my Sbooster I really didn’t notice that much difference, but in major components, there is a much more noticeable difference. In my P20 the increase in performance from the better fuse is quite considerable!! It is the component I hear it the most!! Maybe because the P20 in itself has such an increase in sound quality and affect everything else that is plugged into it! I know it shouldn’t be since the power is regenerated, but that’s what I hear! Also the power cord feeding the regenerator, I can hear that too!
Maybe I shouldn’t be saying this because I know there are many people that loves the PS Audio AC12 power cord, but I just tried it in my system again to give it another listen since my system has changed so much recently, and my system lost some it’s magic. More hard and sterile sounding. More likely it’s my system. Even the Pangea I put in has more of this magic! Sorry!

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Somebody start working on a vaccine… soon :smile:

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Fuse degradation is caused by inrush current actually overheating the element over multiple cycles. Other degradation types can be migration of the element metals under high temperature conditions which can cause further over heating or failures. Additionally, ambient conditions, galvanic relations due to metal types and mechanical condition of connectors can cause flaring up of current flow further degrading the fuse.

Regular changes of your fuses is not a bad idea. You’re not going to get this info in an audio equipment manual. Littlefuse, Buss and Schurter will explain these phenomenon in their tech papers.

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waymanchen…thanks again for simplifying…now to scrape together
some “dough” will go with one for my P15 when funds allow.

Yes indeed!! The Pangea AC 9SE MK II and AC 14SE MK IIs are a great
value with great performance.!!!

Happy trails

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:smile: :grin: :innocent:

Let me know when these “vaccines” are produced…
on the audioaficionado forum Ivan Messer is known
Masterlu and is know to give the lu flu and also
has the “lu flu shot”…very expensive you know :smile:

So Serhan how are you and your new P15 getting along?
Famously I hope… :innocent:

Happy trails


Only that standard stock fuses will not match
the sound quality gains afforded by specialty
purposely engineered fuses…

Happy trails

And there are numerous companies selling fuses that are not UL approved, same as power cables.

Happy trails