Safari on a MacBook Pro. I don’t see Frode’s screen.
IE11, Windows 7, laptop: The closest thing I have to Frode’s picture is when I press the “Most recent topics with unread posts” button which pops up a window with similar info.
Here’s a typical case, the button I’m talking about is circled in red, note that it says 2 topics with unread posts, the pop up only has one at this time (tho it can hold about 6 without scrolling.)
Safari on iPad Air latest iOS, my page looks like Frode’s.
I get the same screen as Ted. Often, there is no button for some threads with the number of unread posts and when there is a number it is sometimes wrong in that it includes posts I have just read.
It is kind of subtle when I compare between desktop and mobile sites on my Nexus 10. In desktop mode I get something more like Ted’s picture, a window with a list of updated threads sometimes with a post count button and some without. In mobile mode thngs really do not look a lot different - the unread post window becomes a full screen width window again some threads have an unread post count button and some do not.
Either way the lack of a post count button does NOT necessarily mean that there is only one new post… It just means that you have to read back through the thread to find your real first unread post.
stevem2 said I get the same screen as Ted. Often, there is no button for some threads with the number of unread posts and when there is a number it is sometimes wrong in that it includes posts I have just read.Same thing here - using Firefox 31.0 on a laptop with Windows 7
Anything else to add?
Here’s a attempt to consolidate this:
Major issue:
Develop a way to see a list of all threads in reverse order of last posting. Indicate which of those threads have unread posts.
I think we have that already. The problem is that there are too many forums to check for new postings and it’s hard to see what is new once you’re there. I’d suggest:
- Consolidate the 27 forums into no more than 10. The more you add, the more you have to search. If you have a question about your DAC, there are currently at least six forums to search through.
- Each thread listed in the forum view currently takes up at least 4 or 5 lines. This should be reduced to 2 to show more threads per screen.
- Threads with unread posts should be in bold face; those without should be in regular type face to make it easy to tell what you’ve read. Icons are hard to see at a glance.
- The words “FIRST POST” and “LAST POST” should only appear once per screen as column headers.
- The post and view counts should be on the same line.
- In the forum thread list, delete the attachment, like, and subscriptions icons and replace the unread icon with the bold type face described above.
- Clicking on the thread title should take you to the last unread post (not page) in that thread.
- Retain the page list below the thread title to allow navigation to specific pages.
- Clearly distinguish sticky threads from regular threads.
- Actively police the threads and merge those that belong together to reduce the number of places one has to search.
- Notify you when someone quotes one of your posts.
- Only show the first few lines of a quote with the option to show the entire quote.
- Move the “all read” button to a location that makes it harder to accidentally hit. Use text like "Mark all topics read" instead of an icon.
- Reduce header and footer sizes (I really don't need to see a bunch of giant avatars or blank space).
- Single email notification for new posts for each subscribed thread, reset upon visiting the thread.
- Either apply a time limit for editing posts (15 minutes?) or inform you when the post was last edited. Clearly indicate on the post for all users to see that is has been edited.
Peanut Butter saidGood idea. Let me know once you have a plan and I will work on consolidating the existing threads into a smaller number.
- Consolidate the 27 forums into no more than 10. The more you add, the more you have to search. If you have a question about your DAC, there are currently at least six forums to search through.
While I like the idea of making quotes smaller, I do not know if quoting only the first X lines will help. Quoting should only be done if needed to provide context. This should be only that part of the quote which is relevant, not the first three lines. Requiring the user to quote, click something to bring up the entire quote, and then trim seems to add unnecessary steps.
I would rather see an “Add Reply” button on the top list of commands for each post, just before the “Quote” button. Perhaps this will encourage users to simply reply, rather than quote.
One thing to add: Include zip files as an allowed attachment type. Anything can be put into a zip container. This would allow us to post music snippets, firmware, etc. we cannot currently post.
Maybe collect all EOL products in one major EOL category?
Elk said
While I like the idea of making quotes smaller, I do not know if quoting only the first X lines will help. Quoting should only be done if needed to provide context. This should be only that part of the quote which is relevant, not the first three lines. Requiring the user to quote, click something to bring up the entire quote, and then trim seems to add unnecessary steps.I agree. I'll clarify: What I'm suggesting applies to when someone quotes an entire lengthy post. When a quote exceeds a certain length, only the first few lines will be displayed. The reader may click on the quote to expand it and read the entire thing if they desire.
Clever idea.
Elk saidClever idea.
It is and I wish I could take credit for it, but someone else thought this up long ago and applied it to other forums I read.
I’m a little reluctant to come up with a list of forums as we seem to swing back and forth on this. We keep adding new forums but I don’t know why. Someone is seeing a need that I don’t but I’d like to try to understand it. Is it because it’s hard to find things? Does the search engine work better with more forums? Could the need for more forums be addressed by keeping the existing forums tidier?
I’d tend to go for the very simple:
- Hardware
- Software
- Music
- Classifieds
- Off topic discussions and ramblings and humor
- Beta testing
The FAQs should be moved and merged into the non-forum page on the home page. For both the firmware and the FAQs, make it as easy as possible for someone who has never been to this site before to find help and the most current firmware for their equipment.
The official firmware release page should be divided by product type and product name and downloads be sorted by release date. Every downloadable file’s name should include some portion of the product name and version number. No more cryptic X-J_665_2346 stuff.
I could see dividing the hardware forum into something like sources, DACs, amps, power and so on, but I’m afraid that there’s too much overlap and it will be hard to decide where to put things (like the Sprout) which will eventually lead us back to where we are now.
To make this work, we need to be better about naming our threads and not starting new threads when an existing one would be a perfectly appropriate place to post. That means the moderators will need to moderate more for a while until we get used to being better forum participants.
My impression is that the adding of forums was pretty random, with no overarching structure or determination of need.
I think a bit of division of hardware would be helpful: Power, DACs, Amps, PWT. For products like Sprout, we simply decide (I would put it with amps) and include a list of products in the Forum’s subtitle. And stick to it.
One Off-Topic Forum is enough.
A General Audio forum would be useful for topics like room correction, theory - anything audio but which is not specifically PS Audio.
I would like to see the DS General Thread closed as it is a generic dumping ground. Posters need to start new threads when they introduce a new DS topic.
Yes, it will take more active moderation but if the structure is clear this should not be too much of a headache (he states hopefully). I am willing to take a shot.
As this has generated zero controversy, let’s restructure the forums as you have described.
I suggest posting a specific list of the new forums. Once this is decided, I’ll look further into moving the existing threads. I’m concerned this will be a massive job unless behind the scenes there are more tools than I have access to.
This is helping a lot. I have turned on the ability to upload ZIP files, in the meantime. As soon as we have the list finished, let’s go over it with the programmer.
Thanks, Paul!
Should we have a sub-category under the DS along the lines of ‘Sources for DS’, ‘Cables for DS’ asf - or should we just post in the DS main category (e.g. experiences with Aries & DS)?
I would just put it as a thread under the DS forum. Please let me know if you would like a group of threads moved. Just give me the exisintg thread, post numbers and what to call the new thread.
- your hooved 'tator.
A few forum section thoughts:
Digital (ADC, DAC, transport (PWT, Bridge, Silent Server))
Analog (Preamp, Power amp, cables?)
Power (Power Plant, power distribution, power cables)
Beta testers (of course…)
Software (players, rippers, library, drivers)
General (off) topics
FAQs/How To (maybe)
My System - unless this could be made a part of or accessible through your profile? A separate section makes it more accessible, the profile gives it more identity.
J.P. (a separate section if you REALLY want it… )
and get that dang mark all threads read button away from the unread posts button!