New high end PS DAC in the works

my dealer told me to try the DS over and over and I refused , I had it in my head I would just be disappointed . I finally tried one and for the price one would be hard pressed to beat it . I’m very happy with the DS .

Luxman C-900u
Luxman M-900u
Shunyata Triton V3
PS Audio DS / Bridge 2
SonicTransporter i5
Martin Logan 15A


Sorry but I must be missing something here. You purchased a DAC from a manufacture and they told you that you had to own it for 2 years. How is this possible? Did you get some special type of deal where they sold you the unit at dealer price or something?

No I am a private party , plus totaldac don’t give deals or have dealers . When I listed the DAC for sale I received a email stating by me listing it I make his product look bad . I told him I am free to do as I feel fit since it’s my DAC . The Mk2 version of this DAC came out and I was going to ship the DAC back to be upgraded to the MK2 , I was told he would not update it unless I agreed to not list it for sale for 2 yrs . I felt this was out of line , and no I had 32k invested in this DAC and he offered to purchase it back for 6000 which was a insult . I probably shouldn’t of brought this up I don’t want this thread to get off subject . Sorry guys guess I’m just a bit sore yet it was a huge loss . Let’s please stay on subject here .

I was just trying to let people know the DS is a great DAC for the price and that if you ever decided to get out of it you wouldn’t lose much , it’s a safe purchase


I can understand about the money part. But I have to say if one gets into this hobby you will lose money when you sale. I guess the question is how much you can stand to lose. I guess it is all relative.

I must say I have never heard of a company telling someone they have to keep a piece of gear for 2 years. That is new to me.

I also just looked at the email it was 9000.00 not 6000.00 my error just wanted to correct that

Look at what’s in the drop down for the question “Which DAC are you using?” from the site!

@tedsmith, @Paul, perhaps being launched at RMAF?


Clearly a proactive move.

Is this a crazy idea? @tedsmith - Have two switchable FPGAs so that one can easily switch between a current FPGA and one with a new update so that is totally easy to compare old with new! Wishing for such a function on my DSJ so i can more easily listen for differences between say Red Cloud and Huron…

Not crazy, but darned expensive :slight_smile:


In the grand scheme of things you could pretty easily have two DSD’s or DSJ’s with different software loaded. That would make the comparison simple.

Is there any update here about the new DAC? When will it be released? Is the project still alive?

It’s alive, we’re waiting for the boards to be built - I’m not sure how much the current COVID-19 issues will affect that. There’s plenty of software work to do: essentially the current DS software is working, but there are new opportunities for more refined sound quality.


Hope you are safe and healthy, Ted!


I’m set up for working at home :slightly_smiling_face:.


Good to hear you are well.

Has there been any trickle down software for the existing DS that enables another update yet?

We do everything to keep Ted‘s brain free from external influences slowing down future sound improvements :wink:

Actually I’m most interested in both frequency extremes.

At the moment I’m working on the DS code to see if the I2S inputs can run at quadrate and to run an experiment to perhaps fix the problem with a particular Bryston update with 24/192 inputs. I.e. I was talking about the DS. I also have some other sound quality things for the next release that may work.


Ted, would you please share your progress in DS working? Look forward to seeing next release.

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The 2nd revision of the boards are being built. There’s a lot of software to write, but the code I wrote for the 1st prototype is mostly still correct. I miss listening to it. A rework broke a while back but new boards were in the works so it didn’t seem worth it to spend time getting the old boards working just to listen. I’d have made a different choice if I knew that the new boards wouldn’t be ready yet.


I haven’t even heard it yet Ted, but I also miss listening to it :slight_smile: