Hi, I’m new here. Recently just bough a used Perfectwave P3 to power my turntable, phonostage and pre amp. Would like to ask whether the P3 can be switch it ON 24/7? As um using Naim phonostage and pre which Naim audio recommended to switch it ON 24/7.
Thanks for your reply Paul.
It’s obviously improve the sound quality although it’s just power my turntable power supply. Quieter background and given more strength. Will slowly plug in 1 by 1 the remaining equipment.
This is interesting. I swear I read somewhere on here that it wasn’t recommended to plug turntable motors into the regenerators. I’ll see if I can hunt down that exchange.
Not sure if relevant, but I found it. This quote from James (“TT PS don’t always like to be plugged into a regen”):
Yes, I’ve read someone talking bout not suggested to plug into regenerator with vpi tt If not mistaken. Anyway, it has been into it for 2 days. Sound fantastic compare to stand alone direct to wall socket.
Definitely this was a thing that we recommended for quite some time with the older Power Plants that had frequency control as a part of their outputs. That way you could control their speed with razor sharp precision.
Today, with the lack of the speed control, Power Plants are good to use on TT motors if you’re in the sine wave option. The low distortion, perfect sine wave gives better/cleaner performance of the motor.
Definitely this was a thing that we recommended for quite some time with the older Power Plants that had frequency control as a part of their outputs. That way you could control their speed with razor sharp precision.
Today, with the lack of the speed control, Power Plants are good to use on TT motors if you’re in the sine wave option. The low distortion, perfect sine wave gives better/cleaner performance of the motor.
I just got Stellar PowerPlant 3 and found this topic, as I also was confused about suggestion in documentation to put PP to idle. I am happy to learn that 24/7 operations are totally acceptable.
I am also powering my Acoustic Solid Solid Machine turntable with PowerPlant. In is a DC motor with separate controller, powered by small switching power supply. I was very surprised (and pleased) to hear significant “bass tightening” with Powerplant. I measured several times W&F with my phone, and got 0.04% with Powerplant and 0.06% without (Sigma-weighted). Nothing changed with speed stability (rechecked with KAB speedstrobe). Remarkable. I did not expect my TT sound better, but it does!