My name is Jose Luis and i just received my new DSJ. After 10 min of listening i tried to update Bridge and i have a “Bridge updating” message for about 25 min and a strange symbol flashing just below. I don´t know what to do, do i need to reboot the DSJ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Before the update i was listening to the DSJ perfectly,
If you just got it NITB what software version was it shipped with? Anyway interrupt the process by powering the DAC down with both switches and let it sit powered down for several minutes. After you power it up wait and see if it tells you an update is available.
Thanks for your quick answer. Software version is Yale and nothing stopped the process. Good news are i powered down and now seems to work ok, even bridge, but with some pops. I tried to update the bridge again and the DSJ restart itself and those pops dissapered.
Another question is rear interrupt seems to be really hard to switch in my unit, i mean i can fell any click and i don’t to force it. Is that normal in the DSJ?
The Bridge II card and the DAC itself have separate software. The current software for the DS Jr. is RedCloud. The Bridge will let you know if it has a software upgrade available.
I have this same exact problem. Tried to update the Bridge II on my DSjr this afternoon and it gets stuck as in the picture above. I have tried powering down several times and starting again with no luck…
Paul, I’ve noticed popping on the start and end of albums (flac files) since I’ve updated the Bridge ii. Hoping Snowmass for DSJr will fix the annoying pops…
Does it at lower DSJr volume settings as well…just did it at volume setting 80…DSJr is output to a Preamp.