Love the new ad from PS Audio.
What a lovely stack.
Quick, everyone throw out how many of those seven you own.
Highest number wins.
I have 6.
DSD dac
BHK preamp
Thinking really hard about a pair of BHK 300’s
three for me…
BHK preamp
Direct Stream DAC.
I guess that’s only two from the list above…
I’ll give you 3, tj-sully
Count me as 4. 5 if you tally another for having 2 BHK 300 monos .
When I saw that ad I thought if Paul ever wanted a career change he could get a job directing the Tokyo traffic.
I have 6
But it is an impressive achievement.
This is my favorite PS Audio ad. I’m really impressed with this digital guru’s knowledge in the digital arts.
I have a Directstream DAC a DMP BHK preamp BHK 250 amp P-10 Regenerator NPC. I love all of them.
Three M700s? How do you hook all three up?
I like the new logo typeface. The bolder look really works.
Ummm, one.
I might almost feel inadequate, but it is a great One… the DSD Sr.
no phono preamp?
I have a Sprout100. Does that count as one, or just a half?
It counts. It’s at the top of the pile in the picture!