With the latest update (couple days ago) my DMP A-6 cuts off in the middle of a song consistently. Anyone else experiencing this? Any suggestions about what I should do?
i’m on 1.2.50… is that the one you’re on? (Mine says it’s up to date, FWIW.)
In any case, no issues with mine. Have you checked in on the zidoo forum?
Mine says 1.3.50
I’m wrong. It’s 1.3.20. Sorry
As he said 1.3.20 is just in the last couple of days and is being rolled out in batches as usual. I would suggest that for now if your current firmware is working to your satisfaction you leave it in place and not upgrade. It appears that as has become the norm, every new firmware update causes more issues than it fixes. They seem to be more interested in continuing to add more gimmicks rather that fixing existing issues with standard features.
When I received notification of the newest update I scanned the changes and really didn’t notice much that would pertain to me so I decided to hold off until I heard feedback. So glad I did as mine works very well right now. No need to upset the apple cart.
Wish I’d done the same. I haven’t had this Eversolo very long so am new to it.
There is a thread on the Zidoo forum for how to role back firmware.
Thank you. Was wondering about that.
Actually, this was the first time I didn’t just automatically hit the update button. My lucky day I guess.
So my Eversolo has been playing for several hours without stopping. I’ve used Apple and Qobuz. Just now I woke up my Mac to put this reply on and it paused. I’m wondering if my Macs somehow is interfering with it??
Is your Mac connected to the Eversolo? If not you may have an IP address conflict.
Only thru wifi to the network. The Eversolo is wire connected to the EERO router.
Do you stream files stored on your network somewhere?
On my A6 I have local files stored on a 4TB card inside the A6.
Just to be safe and sure you don’t have a conflict I would shut everything down completely all the way back to and including the Eero. Then one at a time re-boot everything and let the router assign new IP addresses. Make sure to turn the Eversolo off at the back switch too. That at least eliminates the network as the issue. As your Eversolo played for hours with no issue then it appears the bugs in the new firmware haven’t affected you.
Thanks. I’ll give it a try.