Schnerzinger Grid Protector EMI Allocator and other things

I tried to put one on top of the rotating disk of MU2, but my wife thinks it is a silly idea. I put it on the side of MU2, and the other one on the side of DS MK2. Hmmm, the sound is very good so far.


Don’t tell me you are becoming a water molecule believer!

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It’s raining outside, and I seem to need more than four to control the abundant water molecules today.

No, I need to block that thought.

Enjoy your vacation, mine is coming in three weeks. :tropical_drink:

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My vacation is coming in three weeks also!

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Back to the GP.
I moved mine from the floor to the top of a speaker stand, around 60cm off the ground, better than on the floor.
Subsequently I moved it to a new stand I’ve made, approx 110 cms off the ground, Schnerzinger recommends 120 cms.
Better top end, more dynamic.
Anyone with their GP still on the floor, time to move it higher.


The stands I ordered from Amazon for my GP and future EP were supposed to arrive yesterday. No such luck. So I have a little more time before moving my GP again and unleashing Amp hum once more.

Update: Oh oh, the stands are here! Here comes the buzz!


Schnerzinger Grid Protector mounted at correct height. Amp hums again. I disconnected the GP wall wart from power. No change to the hum. Sigh.
I will give it time as I believe the hum gets reduced with time. I have some time.




It is not a lot of hum. But the amp in low bias mode, little hum. Amp in Medium Bias mode, more hum. Amp in Full Bias heat the room mode, maximum hum. At least at startup. I think there may be a chance the GP may work its magic on the hum. I will see.

The next thing I will try is not plugging the GP into the PowerZone.

*later on
The hum seems to be a startup issue. Can’t hear it now. Pretty much all I hear at the moment is my tinnitus. Bah.

Oh wait, I can hear trumpets!


Schnerzinger also recommends direct wall connection

Okay, I have been listening to CDs for a couple hours now. With the raised GP. I cannot hear any hum. Nice. While listening to music, looking at the gear seems odd as there seems to be no connection between the gear and the sound. The music just is, as relaxed and clear as I have ever experienced.
I think this raising it up idea is sound.


I’ve been experiencing that lately, no real connection between the gear and the sound. . . except tubes. I’ve been rolling tubes and it’s astonishing the change just one tube makes. Fascinates me.


Once raised the protectors up, the joy reigns supreme! And I have to tell you: even more raising the EMI Protector! Especially in terms of astonishing REALISM!

Still want to better understand the hum correlation, keep me informed if you plug the GP into different sockets from the PZ.
IME hooking the GP into the PZ, together with the amp, it reduced the already subtle buzz from the toroidal transformer of the S202 itself. And I found that also the sonic improvement was better.


It is worth trying to install the GP in the power strip or in front of the power strip in parallel with the power supply cable. With my Furutech Vault power strip, I like connecting the GP in parallel in a double wall socket. I don’t know how the Hafner module works and what influence it has on the function if the GP is connected in front of or behind it. My Vault has EMI absorbing minerals in the power strip chambers. I think for me the GP in front of the power strip cleans the electricity more effectively. Cleaning the power network: once before or after the Furutech absorber material or before or after the Hafner module for a Powerzone user.

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Hello all of you out there,

I am the happy owner of a Gryphon Power Zone and since I am writing my thesis on the subject of “informing” or “quantum technology” as many call it, I can give you some information.

Part 1:

It is true, the Power Zone is not a mains filter or generator. It works with Hafner Tech modules. Hafner Tech uses quantum technology in its modules.

Informing or quantum applications have been increasingly used in the hi-fi sector in recent years. More and more manufacturers, including renowned companies such as Nordost, Gryphon, Ansuz, Synergistic Research, Harmonix, QSA, Accoustic Revive, Shunyata, Bybee,Stein, Audio Magic, and many others - mostly anonymously - are “informing” their products.

The companies using the informing provide very little information about these quantum applications.

Probably because informing does not cost much and is not based on physical but on subtle, atmospheric or supernatural aspects.

This is why the manufacturers fear for their good reputation and the seriousness of their pricing.

The effects of a successful quantum application, as the Power Zone and other successful Informed products prove beyond doubt, are perceptible to the ear and therefore undoubtedly effective.

A quantum application transmits oscillating fields that dampen disturbing frequency ranges like an equalizer. Used skilfully, this leads to a more pleasant, less stressful sound.

Part 2 to follow


Night two of the raised Grid Protector. Gosh!
I do not remember how much of a difference it was when I set everything to 11 the first night. It was pleasing. But getting it off that boat anchor amp and up on its own pedestal is a really, really obvious change.
I am liking it! Maybe next September I can get the EMI Protector.

I think some of my changes are starting to gel. Probably can take a week or two rest from worrying about it…


Welcome to the Reign of Schnerzy Joy! Does September come after December in 2025? Didn’t know that…

Later in the afternoon I will go and pick up the Allocator, there will be some interesting test days during the holidays!


Welcome! Looking forward to part 2.


My allocator and GP arrived last Friday. Listening can start as soon as the guest room has been converted back to a music room again :v:
Merry Christmas to every one who celebrates it.


Thanks for welcome greetings and merry christmas.

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