The Allocator (demo) is finally here, let’s test it…
Luca, as I have read so many good things about the Schnerzinger power products here, I have also ordered a Schnerzinger Allocator, a Grid, an EMI and 5 power cables for testing. The Schnerzinger dealer told me that I should definitely use the Schnerzinger power cables to compare the Allocator with my Gryphon Power Zone. The smallest Essential series would be enough. Otherwise the bidirectional barrier of the Schnerzinger products would be interrupted, which would significantly reduce the performance of the allocator.
I am curious…
Translated with (free version)
If the grid protector didn’t look like the Ghostbusters trap to anyone this is definitely getting a lot closer to that look!
Hopefully without the smoke of course.
My demo Allocator is feeding sources on the side wall rack. While the PowerZone is feeding MSB amp+DAC+DD on the front wall rack.
My goal is to make them work together, not to make comparisons. I agree with you on what owner manuals say about the Schnerzinger cables used in conjunction with the Allocator, maybe one day I’ll go that way. Currently I don’t even want to consider it since I’ve just bought expensive STEALTH power cords this year that are making me extremely happy (and my wallet empty).
The only bidirectional job is actually done in my set up by the cable fixed to the Allocator, that is the Res Line 5 top notch.
Even without Schnerzy power cords I’m experiencing a synergy between the Allocator and the Grid (plugged into the PZ) and EMI protectors.
The calm in my room playing music is surprisingly relaxing after a few hours, the music is flowing like suspended and the holographic image has been enhanced even further. The depth is amazing, truly amazing and the soundstage is clearly perceived in different layers on that axis (not in width or hight).
The best thing these Schnerzy things is able to bring is realism, once again.
The air around the instruments, the atmosphere and the imperceptible whispers manage to outline the place in a very realistic way.
That more pronounced being-there effect is so involving that the emotional contact with the music makes my listening experience so involving. The peace reigns supreme here and now.
It sounds nice.
Anyhow @artoffidelity welcome to the forum, curious to read your Part 2 “pamphlet” about the PZ and your thoughts about the Schnerzinger products. Can you also share some more info on your system? TIA
A good end to the year. A direct comparison would of course be very interesting. I would perhaps move the Allucator instead of the Powerzone and the Powerzone to the side.
Greetings Andreas
Thanks Andreas, unfortunately it’s not an option due to rack space and frankly I’m already more than happy as it is.
Then it’s best to forget all comparisons and be happy. No Powerzone owners will be disappointed. I have just completed the purchase of a Marantz Link 10n with my dealer. The Link 10n will definitely be a step up from my Cambridge Edge NQ. Then I don’t listen to Grimm MU2 and Moon 791 anymore and I’m happy.
OK, not quite. I’m still missing the EMI Protector, but then my system should keep me happy for some time.
You too, till the the last day of the year… congrats, enjoy it!
When you step into Schnerzinger’s world, what is the first step?
+1 and please recommend later sequential steps - Thanks
As always try before you buy is my recommendation.
Having said that I’d suggest the Grid protector first. Then the EMI Protector. Then…
The Schnerz hole is not a rabbit hole, it is a Dune worm mouth! Once you get sucked in you will never see the daylight again; not until you pay the due on min. of five more things, if not more.
I will ride my spaceship at lightspeed away from it.
Thank you Luca,
After going through their website, I wonder how/where the LAN Protector fits and when.
Do you have insight as to that say after the Grid/EMI ?
I was told it’s a great tool too but I have no direct experience. I don’t like the idea of a standard switch included with the LAN Protector.
I prefer Network Acoustics products when it comes to manage the network in my system, Tempus switch and Muon Pro filter make me happy currently.
Also their Ethernet cables could be considered based on a few rave reviews someone told me about (can’t remember which forum exactly).
Oh congrats!! You will very much enjoy it and we are looking forward to hear your impressions.
I have been following and investing the LAN optimization topic for many years. And having tried many top fiber optics approaches to high end switches and various filters the Network Acoustics products turned out to provide the best performance. Especially if you exploit the synergies between their products - like the Schnerzy stuff too.
Unfortunately have to wait till mid January to finally receive GP, EMI etc. but very much looking forward to it.
BTW: got an amazing tweaking recommendation for you all! Will post in other thread
…for now, my friend… for now
I am sure GP and other Sch. gears will do great things in most systems, but it (they) need to be 1.2m above ground to optimize the effect is a big issue for me.
I need to find other tweaks to do similar things that I could hide behind rack, so I will not suffer too much.
I think the GP is fine about 50cm to provide very solid performce
The EMI and the grid protector are not that big either. The grid can be placed behind your rack and the EMI on top of it or behind the system on the windowsill. So, you’ll find a place.