Speaker cables what are you using for your system?

I have a tangental question about speaker cables.

A buddy of mine has numerous Monster speaker cables likely from decades ago but not sure. He’s long since moved to, I believe, Nordost to use with his all analog tube system.

Anyway, he asked me if they might be worth anything. Below is a picture of one he was using for a center channel in a theater.

I think they are worthless as Monster has become a patent troll but I thought I would ask here.

They are most likely better than some, much less than others. I am pretty sure they are worth money to someone who is just starting out with little or no knowledge of what us available. They are no way worthless but you wouldn’t get much for them here, on Audiogon or similar sites.

They look nice.

I’d like to read Galen’s thoughts.

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Have been using Robin Hood cables for a couple of years or so. My system has a warm character, so,they fit in very well.


Spec them out and offer them for sale in the marketplace thread. If you can determine MSRP, 40-50% off of that would seem a fair price depending on age and condition of the cables.


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RH are nice sounding cables, they are on the neutral side and I’m glad you enjoy them👍

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They are nice cables. There is a lot of Monster Cable hate out there, deservingly so, because of their attacks on small businesses. While Monster Cable is essentially out of business (I believe they only license the name to others who make various cables), people continue to hate on their former products because of their business practices (one has nothing to do with the other). That particular cable looks like it might have had the terminations changed, meaning it may not be completely original. Also, center cables may be a harder sell.

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The original Beats headphones were manufactured in partnership with Monster Cable products. That contract was never renewed.

Did you go bi-wire, actually it was Zero and Bass, as recommended by AQ? Heard them with Vandersteen Treo CTs and Audio Research amplification. They had a nice even clear neutral sound, down side was how pricey the Zero/Bass set was, $4k MOL. Stepping up to the William Tell added another $1,750.

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Dynaudio Contours use one pair of binding posts! So, I could either use Biwire combo for $3,580 or Zero for $1,790 I chose the latter. When I am ready for Dynaudio Confidence 30, I would definitely look into better cables.

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I haven’t purchased a Monster Cable product in more than 20 years and those appear to be from the early 90s - and not cheap. I can’t slam whatever they’re doing or have done since I dealt with them. What I can say, though, is my first cable upgrade (maybe 1993) was a pair of their RCA’s. They cost about $40/$50 at the time and they were the night-and-day difference, in sound, of my Pioneer changer. It was my first indication that cables can make a world of difference if you’re actually listening.


How true.

Hello all,
Happy New Year! I am currently using Wire World Eclipse 7s with my Revel F206s. My amps are Mono block PS audio 700s and a Rouge 1 Tube preamp. Any suggestions on a better speaker cable to get a finer image? I am very happy with the Eclipse but as we all know there is always better!


Cost effective, quite musical.
And they let you try the cables in your system to see if you like what you hear. If you don’t, send them back. No harm done. Very few send them back.


Audience Au24 SE until this weekend

I have a full Audience loom and going to be honest I love the Audience HP power cords.

I’m running Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento and yes they are violin red…

Around the time of my speakers Sonus Faber where producing the “Stradivari Homage” and as part of this project Franco (designer) and his son in law created Cables to use as an internal wiring conductor - and latter created these commercially as Yter cables - the cables are Silver and Palladium and are poured.

Well the local importer got me a pair and with covid etc they just arrived Yter: Solution. All i can say is they are amazing on my speakers - anyone with Sonus faber especially the older ranges - should have a try of these speaker cables they really made the midrange so detailed and warm - something to be said for silver in cables…

love the fact that something like a cable can just make you happy and enjoy the system you have even more…


Audioquest Oak here in main system, Audioquest Type 8 upstairs, and Kimber 8TC in our other place. But you know what? I am not sure I’d do it again. For the mid-level and higher AQ stuff, I find the pricing structure to be utterly ridiculous. If I were doing it again one thing I might do is try some of Danny Richie’s stuff at Gr-Research. For sure there are many other possibilities as well and definitely no one right answer.


Whoadie I recall about 40 years ago when I and a friend, who is an EE if that matters, decided to replace the cheap zip cord on his AR speakers with the original 12AWG monster cable… we were both floored. Since then I have been on an expensive journey :slight_smile:


I was never a huge believer in high end cables…then I replaced my old Monster Cables with Kimber Kable. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!


Iconoclast OFE, there may be better options out there, but of what I’ve rotated into my system, it provides the best synergy.


The simplest of things can make the greatest impact.

I’m using Audio Art Statement speaker cables and interconnects everywhere with good results. They replaced Cardas Golden Reference cables everywhere very favourably. I am happy with these cables. I am also using Audio Art Statement E2plus power cables everywhere with excellent results. My digital cables are Audioquest Dragon and Wel Signature but the Audio Art Statement digital cables were pretty good.