Swiss Digital Fuse Box, the fuse reinvented


I guess not knowing the lay of the land here I began to worry that my presence might cause some upheaval.

Several of you have “explained” things better

I would love to hang out.

I’m a HUGE Paulie Fan (except for his food predilections) and I would believe that Arnie would be happy that I’m here also.


I really have you to thanks for the gentle nudge – so thanks

Love to share and lend – this week was finishing the LSA Sig 60 and the new Phono 1 (very cool projects) and as mentioned, we delivered the first of 4 new Carver products to Bob Carver up in Washington. This project was all about Arnie as he introduced me to Bob.

I’m an ENORMOUS fan of what Paul and his Team have created. The products and the “Ethos” are special – so again, glad to have this space to enjoy PS Audio with all of you.


Nothing too crazy really about the U.K. and her people. As mentioned – my first wife was an Ipswich Girl – and I ate Sunday Roast and Bubbled and Squeak later in the week. So it isn’t all of you – we just don’t the proper MicroP at this time for 220/240v. Promise.

You guys just be you – I love that. The U.K. was the largest Audio Alchemy destination for many years way back when.


I’m be here – either lurking of from time to time commenting.

I thank you

Lesson learned here with very sincere thanks

Long Live PS Audio


I look forward to your jumping in whenever you have a predilection to do so.

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By way of background, for over 30 years I have been engaged in the consequences of fires due to electrical issues. The fire below, one of the largest service stations in the UK was destroyed, was caused by a coffee machine, a consumer device. I’ve come across much worse fires, one caused by a light bulb of incorrect specification.

These events are rare because of laws, regulations etc. that most people follow. My niece was badly affected and unable to work from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by a faulty gas boiler. UK law now requires you to have a working carbon dioxide monitor, even if the boiler is outside of the house (as in my case). If she had such a monitor, she would not have suffered injury. It’s a simple example of the unseen risks in our homes.

People build and modify hifi at their own risk. Hopefully they have the technical knowledge to do so.

The Swiss product, however, tells consumers to modify their audio products, by replacing the internal fuse with a metal bar. To me, a consumer with no electrical qualifications, that seems a very bad idea in principle.

@Paul has produced a very clear manual, to which I referred, explained the specific type of fuse and the primary advice is, if you need one, ask and they’ll send you one. He cannot be commended highly enough.

I commented, not because I have time on my hands, but because I strongly advocate using products as specified by the manufacturer or applicable law (as in the UK) as I have seen the consequences of not doing so.

I have used an after-market fuse, but only on receipt of confirmation from the manufacturer.

The best people to advise if inserting a Sluggo is safe or sensible, and will not invalidate the warranty, is PS Audio. Perhaps @jamesh or @Paul can confirm if your approach is OK with their products.



As the device in question is not available or even allowed in your country not sure why you keep beating this dead horse other than that is what you do. I doubt Mark is going to respond to you again for that reason. Just move on to another soap box. The Swiss digital fuse is not different that the other after market fuse products popular here but you haven’t gone after them since there are more owners and advocates.

The first issue was the science-based argument to justify the product. Mark conceded I had a point, fuses don’t heat up and act like resistors under normal operating conditions. They have nominal resistance, unless a very low rating. That was easy to find just by goggling fuses specifications.

I wouldn’t ask Mark to change it as audio without pseudo-science claims really would be no fun at all.

I will gladly shout from a soapbox on matters relating to electrical safety. Swiss is not like most other audio products, it replaces a fuse that MAY be a safety device. That’s why I asked PS Audio to comment, it will clear up the issue of the safety of this device.

I am going after an importer of safety fuses. It’s not yet resolved. What I’ve found out it quite beyond belief.

As @joma0711 suggested, the problem arose when we started importing lots of Chinese products in the 1970s that were poorly made and unsafe. They caused lots of faults and fires. I remember burnt plugs from overheating was commonplace. The Chinese manufacturers now do the compliance.

I’m all for after-market products - just safe ones.


Good Morning

@dawkins - I have learned over many years that there are those that desire to be heard. I’m fine with that and they (he) are welcome to their opinions.

Now comes the REALLY fun part. FUSE BOX is safe and easy to use. Lots and lots of testing or else I would not consider making this product.

BUT - for the even “funner part”… use of FUSE BOX yields a very different sonic character, and in THAT… I’m super satisfied. Even the use of different SLUGGOS produces a different flavor or character. In fact, we are now polishing and producing SLUGGOS of different materials and finishing.

SOUND is what matters to me. Safety too of course, but sonically the FUSE BOX is really something INCREDIBLE In System

And there you have it.

There is ample Science in this product to spare and it’s designed to improve your sound.

Shame it won’t be available in 220/240 volt versions for some time yet.

Have a good weekend All

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yep - that’s me, and I am aware of the risks, which is why anything I have built or modified gets a properly rated fuse(s), and because I cannot indemnify myself against fault (whether it be my fault or otherwise) I also do not leave anything I have “home made” or modified left plugged in/switched on when I am out or asleep :slight_smile:

I don’t think discussing the safety aspects (and cultural differences either side of the atlantic in regards to attitudes about them) is a bad thing, this stuff is interesting, and I for one have learned more about the UK’s safety regs than I knew previously so I would call Steven’s contributions a win here the same as everyone else’s - apart from that rude “phycicist” guy: he was just trying to improve his self worth by mocking others he saw as “disbeleivers” and trying to set us against each other.

The fact use of the fuse box changes the sound and that the various Sluggos sound different is indeed the fun and interesting part and worth discussing,


Don’t forget the 50s and 60s - TVs with resistive droppers and live chassis, or those old radio sets that had a RESISTIVE MAINS CABLE to drop the volts to the set - dissipating the heat along the length of the cable (which was often placed under carpets burning them rather effectively), these were home-grown UK built nightmares (though some of them may have been imported from the US :wink: ).

oh, and those “mains plugs” shaped for a light bulb holder - ended up with electric fires running completely un fused from the lighting circuit.

We used to have freedom in such things (it was, dare I say it, something of a “wild west”, which I expect is a misnomer) and now we have regs that are enforced (to a greater or lesser extent dependent on political budgets) and the injury and death rate dropped year after year.

Bit like seatbelts actually (which are mandatory to be worn here now).

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There’s a lot of that going around, around the world.


Ain’t that the truth.


Not having to read or even see some users posts is such a blessing! The user filter function is wonderful here! It removes so much noise allowing the signal to be that much cleaner!

3 years and I’ve not filtered anyone on here yet :slight_smile:
Twitter, yes, by the hundreds, but not here.





Oh, you mean I’m being filtered? Ach I can live with that :slight_smile:


LOL! Oh not you!

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Wait! People can read profiles? I need a new identity :roll_eyes:

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Maybe these filters…

brickwall, appodizing, corrected mini phase fast, appodizing fast, mini phase slow,
linear phase slow, linear phase fast…

So Joma711 which of these are you being foiltered by :grin:?

Best wishes over the pond over there


slow. Linear phase on a good day, but always slow…


I prefer the slow filters myself.

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Soooo if I is fast 'n they is slow…do I get to hear more of whatever they got? :thinking: :grin: :innocent:

Best wishes

Second SDFB, specified for the PSA DS DAC (MK I), should be delivered this week.

Will report back on my subjective experience with its impact on the system, soonest…