I guess not knowing the lay of the land here I began to worry that my presence might cause some upheaval.
Several of you have “explained” things better
I would love to hang out.
I’m a HUGE Paulie Fan (except for his food predilections) and I would believe that Arnie would be happy that I’m here also.
I really have you to thanks for the gentle nudge – so thanks
Love to share and lend – this week was finishing the LSA Sig 60 and the new Phono 1 (very cool projects) and as mentioned, we delivered the first of 4 new Carver products to Bob Carver up in Washington. This project was all about Arnie as he introduced me to Bob.
I’m an ENORMOUS fan of what Paul and his Team have created. The products and the “Ethos” are special – so again, glad to have this space to enjoy PS Audio with all of you.
Nothing too crazy really about the U.K. and her people. As mentioned – my first wife was an Ipswich Girl – and I ate Sunday Roast and Bubbled and Squeak later in the week. So it isn’t all of you – we just don’t the proper MicroP at this time for 220/240v. Promise.
You guys just be you – I love that. The U.K. was the largest Audio Alchemy destination for many years way back when.
I’m be here – either lurking of from time to time commenting.
I thank you
Lesson learned here with very sincere thanks
Long Live PS Audio