System Photos!

The best copy of a piece of junk is still a piece of junk.
Most don’t analyze what they are copying and it shows up everywhere in manufacturing.

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I know this is “System Photos” but I also think of it as “Listening Spaces”…

here’s another I love. Granted, it’s from a Chicago Audio shop called ProMusica, but it’s not too outrageous to think this couldn’t be replicated in a home setting.



Very nice!

I yelled that to my ex the other day… :rofl::joy:

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I was looking at that record collection and going green. Now I know it’s a shop I don’t feel so bad…

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Oh you cheeky, little tart. :blush:

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What’s with the extraneous comma?

Some more record stores for your perusal, here:

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haha only one in US is Grimey’s in Nashville, and I’ve been there. Great shop. Probably should have a separate thread for these!

No web site but Neptune Music Company in Seattle is awesome. A bit closer than Tokyo or Hong Kong.
it’s in the U district.

New PS Audio stuff pooring into the building. Expected two 250’s… Turned out to be two 300’s… Ah, what the heck, an amp is an amp right…?
So far no hiss, no heat, no 270kHz at 3V… Just music…



Bit of kitsch record collection. Who actually listens to The Beatles these days? Who has a room that big? That said, I like Dynaudio speakers, used them for years.
Nicest thing is the Quad book in the left corner. Only book I have on audio as Quad gave me a copy, but very interesting with lots of pictures for those with limited reading skills.

I was down my local store yesterday getting a power cable on loan. They have two rooms, designed to be typical sizes for people’s homes.

Hi-Fi demonstrations in Central London


The smaller Wilsons are still very living room friendly.

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The smaller Wilsons are apparently very popular. They had a pair of Focal Sopra 2 or 3 in there yesterday.

@ronaldwanders Very nice setup. What brand are the speaker cables?

Thank you @Baldy, I appreciate that. You can read all about this cable behind this link: My new DIY speaker cable

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Very nice presentation. I’ll bet they sound awesome too. There is really no substitute for power or bandwidth and big wire is big bandwidth. Thanks

They get better every day, same goes for the new amps… That was a good investment…!


I heard four Wilson set-ups at the show. I very much enjoyed the three smaller models. Only the biggest playing D’agostino amps were harsh and unlistenable to me. I went back a few times to the room to see if my feeling would change. It didn’t.

Interesting. I’m not at Axpona, but I’ve heard a number of show setups using the D’Agostino Momentum monoblocks, and all sounded very good, indeed. So doubt that the amplification was at fault.

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