
I use only original resolution tracks and that means 16 bit 44khz and 24 bit 96khz

I have no higher resolution tracks in my music folder.

Yes i have always said that pops occurs only when changing resolution…from E-lyrics or Jriver or any other software…



24/96 will probably make a “pop” when switching from 16/44.

Johno’s suggestion is a good one to try.

Just set all the jr outputs to 24/96.


Thanks John and Gordon…

Can you explain from where i can do this in Jriver SubMenus?

I will try this evening…



from the top menu select PLAYER/DSP STUDIO/OUTPUT FORMAT, then change anything 24/96 or lower to 24/96.

You MUST select a local output like USB or other and this will NOT work if exporting to the Bridge.


I use only the bridge…the Imac is far away from the DAC

Only use ethernet connection…

this means it won’t work?


It used to work [ I think] in MC18 but I just tried it and it will not allow selection when using the Bridge. Scusate.

We will release the new code today, probably by noon.


Nice Italian… =D>

Paul McGowan said: We will release the new code today, probably by noon.

fabio060673 said: I use only original resolution tracks and that means 16 bit 44khz and 24 bit 96khz

If it would help to anyone, I can easily put together a set of files of various resolutions for testing. They can even be short (15 seconds or so each) and, thus, quick to download.

Just let me know if this is of interest.

Thanks, Dave!

MOVED to Beta.


any news out there with the new code???

Any chances to try it out??

The new version is in Beta. We are aggressively trying it out.

Many electrons are being inconvenienced.

Any new firmware in the works?

Beta has been quiet. I have nudged and will report back if there is any news.


I’ve received yesterday a brand new PWD MarkII. 2 surprises. The first is “Whaouu what a sound!!”, the second is "My bad, what’s going wrong???"

Ticks (ok for relay noise) and pops as mentioned in previous posts. It’s not worthy for a product of this quality…

FW243 installed.

Howether happy :slight_smile:



Try 2.2.0 it has less pops/clicks and sounds way better. I’m amazed that new dacs are shipped with 2.4.3.

Yes mgn, you’re right, I’m on the 220 and less noise, seems more responsive when the frequency change while in NativeX mode, and better SQ.

Actually the PWD has been delivered with a FW lower than 243 but I’m almost sure that it was not the 202 too.

I’m coming from the Linn world and I must admit I didn’t expect such concerns with the software of a company as notorious as PS Audio… Sure that this will be fixed soon.
