Audio Magic M2 vs SR Pink fuse, Owners thoughts and observations here please

Lets try to guess which color they will do next. I think it will be Yellow.


I did hear mention of a diamond fuse when I was at the SR room back at CAF. Could be the code name though. Iā€™d go with Yellow ahead of Green :slight_smile:


The last two I tried were bonefied lemonā€™s but I am sure a yellow banana will make many here go ape sh_t!

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I think green

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Itā€™s not easy being green


For the new color, I vote for barber-pole. And with an ultra expensive clear fuse holder, in a cyclops form, like the date cyclops of my watch crystal, so I can sit behind my rack watching it spinning, wondering if itā€™s spinning in the right direction.


It will draw less current and enhance the sound.

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Being a prog rock fan, I vote for ā€œIn the court of the Crimson Fuuuuuuse. Ah, ah, ahā€¦ā€


I used to be excited about fuses. Something else replaced that.

Okay, back to fuses. :wink:

I have about 100 hours on the Pink, replacing the Audio Magic M-1 in my P20. Take my observations as my opinion. The Pink sounds a bit ā€œcleanerā€ than the M-1, and seems to make it easier to resolve spatial placement throughout the frequency range. Piano sounds a touch more natural, which is kind of ironic because in general I sometimes get the feeling that what Iā€™m hearing is a touch ā€œtoo cleanā€. Not that thereā€™s any stripping away of harmonics or truncation of rhythms - thatā€™s not it at all. It could just be that Iā€™m used to the somewhat more ā€œsmooth rollingā€ quality of the M-1. These differences, as always, are smallish in the grand scheme of things. I think I like the Pink better, but Iā€™d say that if you already have a system that is somewhat lean and ultra detailed, the Pink may not be a good match. Iā€™ll say that right now it brings more to my systemā€™s table than the Audio Magic can offer, even with its own strengths (triangles, for example, sound a bit more luscious with the M-1). Iā€™ll keep track of whether thereā€™s any further change over time. Given that I practically stole it from the Synergistic guys at AXPONA :grinning:, Iā€™ll say itā€™s worth what I paid for it. Itā€™s a good fuse, although I will be interested in trying an M-2.

My wife, BTW, gave me her thoughts before I expressed any of mine (I try not to even glance at her when sheā€™s helping me with this stuff :sweat_smile:). Her feelings are consistent with mine.

And oh yes, we picked the direction we both thought sounded better as the first order of business, some days ago when we started.


And which direction did you both decide on?

ā€œSā€ closer to the fuse cap, but I really didnā€™t want to say initially as I donā€™t think thatā€™s any indication of what will work for anyone else. But since you asked, thatā€™s my answer. Everyone should try it for themselves and choose. My choice is meaningless. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Are you going to try an M2 in the P20?

Thanks. Is that how the stock fuse comes in the various PowerPlants? I canā€™t even remember. I have an M1 in my P3, which doesnā€™t come with an S.

Yep, thatā€™s the plan.

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Sorry for the confusion, Tony. The ā€œSā€ is with reference to the markings on the Synergistic Pink fuse.

I just pulled out my old stock fuse. It looks like both ends have a boxed S on them, along with the voltage and amperage information. So, no indication of direction that I can see. I had forgotten that.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: Synergistic Research fuses have an ā€œSRā€ marking on them. Do you not have this?

Iā€™m talking about the fuse that came with my P3. I donā€™t currently have any SR fuses. I used to have a Purple, but it died on me. I had applied some Furutech Nano Liquid to the ends, and I think it didnā€™t like that. My Audio Magic M1s are doing fine (one in my P3, one in my Marantz Model 30 amp).

I doubt itā€™s the nano liquid. I have 5 Purples in use, each with a light coat of nano liquid on the caps, no issues.

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