Audio Magic M2 vs SR Pink fuse, Owners thoughts and observations here please

You need a vacation from tweaking, enjoy it. . I’d have been lost with so many changes. I see your apprehension regarding a proliferation of pig tails. Still to try any of the silver sluggo’s trying to figure out M-2 first. Not that I haven’t been thinking another might be better


Hush your mouth!


You’re right. The final verdict is still out there as of which benefits more on a given system.

No more posts since we’re going to Manhattan now🕺🏻

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Uh huh. :wink:

Have fun.

Pot said to kettle.


Seems very few here with SR Pink experience?

My UK dealer is expecting stock next week sometime.
I may get two UK mains fuses to power my cords to my P20.
The Master currently in the P20 will be moved to my dac, ( as per SR Master recommendation).

Just arrived. :grinning:


Going in?

The P20. It’s the only thing I’m fartzing around with with fuses. Only thing I care to. Not today, though. Date night tonight with my wife. :heart: I might get to it tomorrow. There’s an M1 sitting in the P20 right now.


Have a great date. I hope you get lucky! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I got lucky when I was fortunate to meet her after my first wife passed away. I count my blessings. :pray:


Pity you didn’t get it installed when it arrived, then by the time tomorrow night comes for listening it would already have had 24 hours burn in?

I’m in no rush anymore for these rather trivial impact (to me, YMMV) system changes. I may get to it tonight or tomorrow.

Hi all, I am somewhat new to exploring hifi fuses because in a mastering room with 20+ devices the expense can quickly get out of hand, but I would like to try a fuse in the P20 that connects to most all of the mastering gear. Then if that proves fruitful, move onto the fuses in the ATC triamp mono blocks.

I’m curious if you guys are replacing P20’s stock 6.3a slow blow fuse with the same amperage? Also can someone please clarify the directionality of the P20 fuse from the outer fuse cap inwards? (ie: does the fuse direction point into the P20 or out of the P20?) Thank you!

This is the way. As to direction, it really doesn’t matter as the best thing to do with any new fuse is try it in both directions and see which one sounds better. Once done, burn it in that way.

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You have to wait for the full moon nights and point the fuse towards the direction where the birds head at dawn. But only before the midsummer solstice, otherwise in the opposite direction.
Alternatively follow Tony’s suggestion, even if it is less accurate.


You are a wise man, Luca. :smile:

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Normally the direction should point out of the P20. The voltage should be in the rear part of a fuse holder to ensure protection against contact. The prerequisite for this is that the mains phase is connected correctly to the device.


You are right Andreas, I have tested with a voltage tester and the power comes from the far end of the fuse, not the cap end. But it does not guarantee that direction sounds the best, it is system depended. Better to try both direction to be sure it’s right for each system.

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